Saturday, April 16, 2011

Isaiah 40:29-31, Ezekiel 37::21-28, John 11:45-56, Jeremiah 31:10-13

Daily Inspiration: Isaiah 40:29-31

29He gives strength to the enfeebled,
he gives vigor to the wearied.
30 Youth may grow tired and faint,
young men will stumble and fall,
31 but those who hope in Yahweh
will renew their strength.
They will soar as with eagle’s wings;
they will run and not grow weary;
they will walk and never tire.

Beloved, Your Word refreshes my soul.  Your love heals all wounds, all hurts that once seemed impossible of healing are not only headed but bear no scars.  All is forgiven and consigned to the land of the forgotten. I am able to forgive and forget because I have tasted the sweetness of Your Word, I have experienced Your incredible mercy and forgiveness and I have been vanquished and fallen helplessly in love with You.  You have taught me what true love means and what it looks like.  Love looks like You and You have taught me how to love selflessly and completely. To live fully for the other.  Love is prepared to suffer whatever it is called upon to suffer, to give up whatever is required for the good of the other and is prepared to lay down the very life it possesses in order that the one loved may live.  Your love has the power to invigorate, to renew and to fly high to the very heavens and touch the Unseen and be taken up in the very heart of Love Incarnate.


Daily Mass Readings:  Ezekiel 37::21-28, John 11:45-56, Jeremiah 31:10-13

Ezekiel 37::21-28

My Beloved what wonderful promises were prophesied by the Prophet Ezekiel concerning You and Your Church and each one has been fulfilled in You and through You.  You have the power to unite all people into one fold - the unity that once existed  under the Apostles will once again come about.  Already we begin to see a very gradual unity coming about even now.  Your Body so terribly fragmented will one day have only one Shepherd and we shall be one flock as You always intended us to be.  Your law will rule our life - the law of the love of God and neighbor.  All future generations shall praise You as You have always been praised. More and more will gather under Your banner of love.  Thank You for the Covenant of peace and love that You have forged between God and man.  You are our God and we belong to You.

John 11:45-56

Beloved we can now the plot against You thickening and gathering a terrible momentum as it has become very clear to all that You had awesome power.  Power to raise the dead to life.  There was no denying the authenticity of who You are - the Son of God, the Messiah.  But those with vested interests, those who cling to an earthly kingdom, those who lust for power and those who worship the false gods of money and flesh were becoming increasingly worried that You were about to shatter the status quo that they had established - an outward show of piety that hid wicked dispositions.  So they plotted and planned to kill You.  You went away for for a while as the hour had not yet come when You would step up boldly and give Yourself up to evil saying, "I AM HE."

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