Sunday, March 20, 2011

Psalm 105:4, Genesis 12:1-4, 2 Timothy 1:8b-10, Matthew 17:1-9, Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22

Daily Mass Readings:  Genesis 12:1-4, 2 Timothy 1:8b-10, Matthew 17:1-9, Psalm 33:4-5, 18-10, 20, 22

 Psalm 105:4
 Look to the Lord and be strong; seek His Face always.

My Beloved, sometimes my heart grows faint and weary within me and a brooding sadness and disquiet fills my soul.  I call Your Name and I try to obtain comfort from the truth that You are near, that You love me and nothing can trouble me.  Thank You for reminding me that all I must do is to look to You alone, for You are my strength. I will seek Your Face imprinted on my heart within me, in the Blessed Sacrament before me and in the Holy Eucharist in communion with me.  Thank You.

Genesis 12:1-4

My Beloved when change comes into my life I can become greatly disturbed, yet if I accept the challenge of change it will lead to growth.  The unfamiliar can be frightening.  Help me to always recall that You love me and as Your plan for my life unfolds, help me to keep my gaze firmly on You and my hand safe in Your own.

2 Timothy 1:8b-10

Beloved, I need never depend on my own strength.  in responding to Your call. You will equip and strengthen me and I will be able to stand firm in You if I am rooted in Your Word and as long and as often as I partake of the Sacraments; which are the channels of grace to my soul.  Keep my gaze fixed on You always and I need fear nothing.

Matthew 17:1-9

My Beloved, may I always be a part of Your inner circle so I can be close to You always.  As a Catholic, I have been privileged to touch You and taste You in the Eucharist and You are sweeter than honey in the honeycomb.  Thank You for the Sacrament of Reconciliation where I am forgiven and restored once again to my close relationship with You and the Church.  It is here that we are always reminded of who You are - the Beloved Son of the Eternal Father - to listen to You is the joy of our life.  We need never be afraid for You come to us, touch us, reassure us and say, "Stand up, do not be afraid."  Whether high on the mountain or down in the valley, You are with us and as long as You are there, we need fear nothing.

Psalm 33:4,  18, 20, 22
 For upright is the Lord’s word
and worthy of trust is his work.

18 But the Lord’s eyes are upon those who fear him,
upon those who trust in his loving-kindness

20 In hope we wait for the Lord,
for he is our help and our shield.

22 O Lord, let your love rest upon us,
even as our hope rests in you.


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