Sunday, March 13, 2011

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7, Romans5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11, Psalm 51:3-6, 12-13, 17

Daily Mass Readings:  Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7, Romans5:12-19, Matthew 4:1-11, Psalm 51:3-6, 12-13, 17

My Beloved, thank You for telling me not to be afraid and for assuring me that You are always with me. I need never worry for I can trust You to take care of me and those I love and pray for each day.

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7

Beloved, it is Your breath in my nostrils that I breathe in and out. It is Your own life that sustains me.  Take away Your breath and I shall perish.  Thank You for being so close to me.

So often sin looks so tempting and we succumb to our grief and ruin.

Romans 5:12-19

Man whom You created for eternal union with You disobeyed bringing sin, death and decay into the world. Its disease has spread to every human being that has been born since then.  We cannot fully comprehend the horror of our sins in Your eyes although we experience its terrible effects.  You created us in love and Your love would not allow us to perish without giving us another chance and so You sent Your Only Son and Heir to be the means by which we would be saved.  Life came through grace made available to us through You my Beloved, and unless we receive what is given freely we cannot hope to be saved.  This will be the tragedy for those who refuse once again God's forgiveness and restoration through You.

Matthew 4:1-11

Even when we are tempted, You do not try us beyond our ability to endure.  And if we should fall, You make available the means to rise up and start over in the beautiful Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation.  

You always send angels to comfort us just as angels came to serve and strengthen You so our own angels do the same for us. 

Thank You for the gift of my Guardian Angel.

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