Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2 Kings 4:27, Tobit 2:9-14, Mark 12:13-17, Psalm 112:1-2,7-9

Daily Mass Readings:  Tobit 2:9-14, Mark 12:13-17, Psalm 112:1-2,7-9
2 Kings 4:27
27 She went to the man of God, and embraced his feet. Then Ge­hazi came to draw her away, but the man of God said to him, “Leave her, for her soul is in bitter distress, and Yahweh has not made known to me nor has he revealed it to me.”

Beloved, I too come to You and cling to Your feet do not let anyone or anything draw me away from You.  Grant me all the grace I need this season of Lent to prepare my soul for the glorious feast of Easter.  Teach me to master my will, my senses and my flesh and direct my entire being to worship You in spirit and in truth.

Tobit 2:9-14

Beloved love begins in the home.  We love those who are closest to  us and around us.  We ought not to get so busy that we neglect the needs of those who come first.  Our love, service and compassion must first be extended to our nearest and dearest, it will have a ripple effect and work outwards and inwards in concentric circles, otherwise we could become blind, suspicious, irritable, self-righteous.  This will cause grave hurt to those who love us and care for us exactly as Tobit hurt Anna his wife.

Mark 12:13-17

Beloved, the worldly-wise  seek to trap You but You see through their deceit and honeyed words dripping flattery.  Although the words they speak are true, they reek of malice.  Am I like that sometimes my Beloved?  Is my heart far away from You?  This season of Lent grant that I may render to You what is Yours  - my whole life, my entire being - all I am and have is Yours alone.

Psalm 112::7-8
He has no fear of evil news,
for his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is confident, he needs not fear,
he shall prevail over his foes at the end.

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