Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daniel 3:40, Sirach 4:11-19, Mark 9:38-40, Psalm 119:165, 168, 171-172, 174-175

Daily Mass Readings:  Sirach 4:11-19, Mark 9:38-40, Psalm 119:165, 168, 171-172, 174-175

Daniel 3:40
May this sacrifice of ours today obtain for us your favor for we know that those who trust in you shall never be disappointed.

Beloved, each morning I am privileged to join my sisters and brothers as we celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass.  We unite ourselves in the one, holy, perfect sacrifice You offered to the Father on Calvary when You became the Saving Victim for our sins.  May the Father find this offering so pleasing that He is moved to command His angels to pour upon Your faithful, every grace and blessing that heaven contains on all who celebrate this Mystery worthily and thus find find favor with Him. Amen!!

Sirach 4:12, 17-18
Those who rise early in the morning in search of her will be filled with joy.
17 For in the beginning she will lead him by rough paths, causing him to fear and be terrified; she will plague him with her discipline until she can count on him; and she will put him to the test by her demands.

18 Then she will lead him on a level path, give him joy and reveal her secrets to him.

My Beloved, You have been extremely gracious to me despite my short comings.  You have been faithful in Your love.  You have taken me by the hand across great difficulties and hurdles and in the end You walk with me on a level path, filling me with Your peace, confidence and joy.  Thank You. 

Mark 9:38-40
John said to him, “Master, we saw someone who drove out demons by calling upon your name, and we tried to forbid him because he does not belong to our group.” 39 Jesus answered, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in my name can soon after speak evil of me. 40 For whoever is not against us is for us.

As Catholics with the certitude that the Roman Catholic Church is the Church that You have founded on Peter the Rock, it is easy to look down on the thousands of churches that have spring like mushrooms.  Although they do not possess the fullness of truth like Your Church does, they all contain an element of the truth.  May we heed Your instructions and advice as given to us in the above Scripture passage.  True unity will come in Your time.  In the end You are the common bond that unites us.

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