Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ezekiel 17:23, 1John 4:10, Mark 6:34, 42

Ezekiel 17:23
23 On a lofty, massive mountain, on a high mountain of Israel I will plant it. It will produce branches and bear fruit and become a magnificent cedar. Birds of all kinds will nest in it and find shelter in its branches.

Beloved, here in the Old Testament we read a verse that You will echo in Matthew 12:32.  Here is an analogy of Your Bride the Church.  She has grown from the seed of Your Word, the Incarnate Word who was made flesh and who dwelt among us.
Within the Church everyone finds a home and all are welcome.  We belong and we are fed and there we are kept safe from the snares of the Enemy.  There is no life apart from the life we receive through being grafted to You in Baptism and becoming members of God's family.  We are privileged to call God our Father.

1 John 4:10
10 This is love: not that we loved God but that he first loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

This is the hallmark of God. 

Mark 6:34, 42
34 As Jesus went ashore he saw a large crowd, and he had compassion on them.
42 They all ate and everyone had enough.

The mark of God's authentic love is His compassion for us.  It is a compassion born of love and His complete knowledge of us.  When God feeds us,He does so until we are satisfied.  He alone can give us what we need and He gives it to the fullest.  As we feed on the Word made flesh, we must be transformed into Christ, the Beloved.

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