Saturday, October 5, 2024



Lord of heaven and earth,
for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom
to mere children. MT 11:25

JOB 42:1-3,5-6,12-17

My Soul's Beloved,

I echo Job's words and I repent in sackcloth and ashes for I have thought and said things that are foolish. I have lacked wisdom in my judgments and in my folly I questioned, I grumbled and I was discontented. I was drawn inward into myself and my troubles and desired that the way be broad and smooth without trials, troubles, or suffering. But this is the way to hell and perdition. You have shown us the way to eternal life and it is the only Your Way to the Father. The way is not a road but it is Your life O Lord. You have revealed that You are the Way, You are the Truth and You are the Life. Without You O Lord our lives are meaningless, worthless, and fit only to be cast into the everlasting flames.

This is not what You desire for the members of Your Body, Your bride, Your Church - You lay down Your life for us, we are saved by the power of Your Name and You desire that not one of us who belong to You perish. Forgive me Lord and grant me this grace, that from this day and until You call me home to Yourself, that I discern Your will in all things. Grant me also the grace to do all that You ask without question, setting aside my selfish and sinful desires to do all that You ask with an obedient, humble, and joyful spirit.

Make me a new creation over and over again Lord and help me every step of the way for I can do nothing on my own. Thank You, Lord.

This was the answer Job gave to the Lord:
I know that you are all-powerful:
what you conceive, you can perform.
I am the man who obscured your designs
with my empty-headed words.
I have been holding forth on matters I cannot understand,
on marvels beyond me and my knowledge.
I knew you then only by hearsay;
but now, having seen you with my own eyes,
I retract all I have said,
and in dust and ashes I repent.

PSALM 118(119):66,71,75,91,125,130

Let your face shine on your servant, O Lord.

Teach me discernment and knowledge
for I trust in your commands.
It was good for me to be afflicted,
to learn your statutes.

Lord, I know that your decrees are right,
that you afflicted me justly.
By your decree it endures to this day;
for all things serve you.

I am your servant, give me knowledge;
then I shall know your will.
The unfolding of your word gives light
and teaches the simple.

Let your face shine on your servant, O Lord.

LUKE 10:17-24

My  Soul's Beloved,

As members of Your Body, we received the same authority You gave the seventy-two who You commissioned, equipped, and empowered to preach and teach the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  As children of God, we have received the power and the authority to cast out demons, cure every illness spiritual and physical, and overthrow the prince of darkness by the power of Your Name.  We are baptized into Your Body and are grafted on to You, empowered with the Holy Spirit we are invincible. We Christians appear toothless and powerless because we have not claimed the power that is bestowed on us. We failed to act boldly with courage and faith in the power of Your Name which is above every other name. We know, "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father".  We are too timid, we lack the faith of the Apostles and the great saints to proclaim Your Name boldly only when we forget ourselves and are focused only on You will we perform the miracles that the Seventy-two performed and rejoice as they did when we use Your Name with faith and conviction.

The seventy-two came back rejoicing. ‘Lord,’ they said ‘even the devils submit to us when we use your name.’ He said to them, ‘I watched Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Yes, I have given you power to tread underfoot serpents and scorpions and the whole strength of the enemy; nothing shall ever hurt you. Yet do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you; rejoice rather that your names are written in heaven.’

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