Friday, August 9, 2024



Happy those who are persecuted
in the cause of right,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. MT 5:10

NAHUM 2:1,3,3:1-3,6-7

My Soul's Beloved,

Salvation history repeats itself because there is nothing new under the sun. Sin is nothing but a cycle of the same old, same old. Only in You O Lord, there are new beginnings, new signs, new wonders and the mystery of God's marvelous love for us is incomprehensible, unfathomable, unsurpassable, and infinite. Our God is a God of surprises and we are struck anew with wonder and awe by His love for us broken, frail, foolish, sinners who lack the good sense to know that true joy and perfect peace and rest come from staying close to You and clinging to You.

Today the world is like Nineveh - the pagan world, all those who worship Moloch and Baal are spreading their evil tentacles and ensnaring the vulnerable, the ignorant, and the sick in spirit. A malaise of soul has pervaded those who have been ensnared by the wicked lies of the Enemy. Evil is celebrated as good and those who celebrate the good, the true, and the beautiful are persecuted, silenced, vilified, and destroyed.

But the day of God's wrath will come at a time that God has appointed and the wicked will be swept away and the world will once more recognize that You O Lord are God. We are saved, we are redeemed, we are free, and we are victorious in the victory that You won for us at Calvary.  

God will restore all that the evil one destroyed and God's enemies will be ruined.

Israel restored; Nineveh ruined
See, over the mountains the messenger hurries!
‘Peace!’ he proclaims.
Judah, celebrate your feasts,
carry out your vows,
for Belial will never pass through you again;
he is utterly annihilated.
Yes, the Lord is restoring the vineyard of Jacob
and the vineyard of Israel.

DEUTERONOMY 32:35-36,39,41

It is the Lord who deals death and life.
It is close, the day of their ruin;
  their doom comes at speed.
For the Lord will see his people righted,
  he will take pity on his servants.
See now that I, I am He,
  and beside me there is no other god.
It is I who deal death and life;
  when I have struck it is I who heal.
When I have whetted my flashing sword
  I will take up the cause of Right,
I will give my foes as good again,
  I will repay those who hate me.
It is the Lord who deals death and life.
MATTHEW 16:24-28

My Soul's Beloved,

Over the centuries many foolish ones have bought into the Enemy's lie and have taught with great success to the gullible, that we are saved by faith alone. Blind fools who buy into this lie ignore the fact that all God's people must work out their salvation with fear and trembling. 

The road to hell is easy the way broad and many choose it to their final ruin and destruction. The Way to Heaven is the way of suffering, the way of the cross, the way of dying daily to ourselves, and of living a life of servanthood. We are called daily to get down on our knees and wash the feet of those we live with, those we work with, those we relate to every day, moment by moment until the hour arrives when we will pass from this life to the next.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, salvation is found in the Church You founded on Peter, everything else is a parody no matter how well-meaning. May we who belong to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church humbly but diligently and courageously make this known to those who are taught to believe that all they need is the Bible, their version of interpretation of the Bible and faith in You to be saved. We already see, Lord, that many Catholics tirelessly preach and teach this Truth and many of our Christian brothers and sisters are coming home to the Church. Let us pray that many more will come home and soon Your prayer for unity will be answered and there will be but one flock and one Shepherd.

Anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it. What, then, will a man gain if he wins the whole world and ruins his life? Or what has a man to offer in exchange for his life?
‘For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and, when he does, he will reward each one according to his behaviour. I tell you solemnly, there are some of these standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming with his kingdom.’

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