Saturday, August 24, 2024



Rabbi, you are the Son of God,
you are the King of Israel. JN 1:49


My Soul's Beloved,

The Church has her roots in Israel, she has for her inheritance the 12 tribes of Israel who come from the sons of Jacob. The names of the tribes of Israel are written on the 12 gates of the holy city that comes out of heaven from God. The fulfillment of the 12 tribes are the Apostles and they are the foundation stones on which You have built the one, holy, catholic, apostolic church. There is only one and no other and salvation is found only in and through her. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, there is no other. You are the Gate of this Church and all who desire the fullness of grace and truth find it by entering through this Gate so they may walk in the Way, believe in the Truth, and receive Life in abundance. 

The Lamb of God, the Bridegroom of the Church, is found in the holy City of God and has come out of heaven when You O Lord were raised between heaven and earth on the Cross, and from Your open side flowed the life-giving waters from which the Church was born. The Church is espoused to You and You will return again in glory, splendor, majesty, and power to claim her and present her to the Father and the wedding feast will begin and will last eternally. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come! Do not delay.

PSALM 144(145):10-13a,17-18

Your friends, O Lord, make known the glorious splendour of your reign.
All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord,
  and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign
  and declare your might, O God.
They make known to men your mighty deeds
  and the glorious splendour of your reign.
Yours is an everlasting kingdom;
  your rule lasts from age to age.
The Lord is just in all his ways
  and loving in all his deeds.
He is close to all who call him,
  who call on him from their hearts.
Your friends, O Lord, make known the glorious splendour of your reign.
JOHN 1:45-51

My Soul's Beloved,

What a glorious day it is for the soul who after seeking for You finds You when they seek You with all their heart as Nathanael did. It is the duty of the one who finds You as Philip did to make You known to everyone they encounter. This is the mission entrusted to us who, on finding You, proclaim the Good News to the whole world. Let us learn how to do so from Philip who filled with excitement said to his friend Nathanael (Bartholomew), 'We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, the one about whom the prophets wrote: he is Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.’ The response may be one of prejudice or resistance like Nathanael whose response was, ‘From Nazareth?’ said Nathanael ‘Can anything good come from that place?’ And then like Philip, we invite them to, ‘Come and see’ and to discover for themselves how good You are, and true and lasting joy comes from having a deep and meaningful relationship with You personally and in the community found in the Church You established.

My Lord and my God, when we long for You when we hunger and thirst for You, You will seek us, find us, and satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. You know us better than any human ever will just as You knew Nathanael and You will welcome us as You welcomed Nathanael. 

My Jesus, with each day, draw me closer and closer to You. Reveal Yourself to Me and help me, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to know myself - my flaws, my weaknesses, my frailties, and to rely more and more on Your help and strength and to lean on You always, trusting that You will take me by the hand and lead me slowly but surely to the Kingdom of God.

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