Tuesday, July 23, 2024



If anyone loves me he will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him. JN 14:23

MICAH 7:14-15,18-20

My Soul's Beloved,

You know that I am like a sheep, foolish, silly, lacking in wisdom, and wandering in places where I ought not to. Throughout my life, I got into all kinds of trouble willfully, stupidly, and stubbornly because I did not stay close to the flock and the Shepherd. You never tired of seeking me. You did not abandon me but sought and found me tirelessly every time and brought me home. In You, O Lord, there is no condemnation only love, compassion, and forgiveness of sins. Thank You.

My Soul's Beloved, You have made the Way to the Father's House easy if we only allow You to take us by the hand and lead us. You have provided abundant ways and means by which all those who belong to the sheepfold are helped, strengthened, cleansed, nourished, refreshed, replenished, and renewed. No matter how often we fail, fall, and sin grievously You will never spurn the humble and contrite heart. Thank You, Lord.

Lord Jesus, grant that I never take Your love for granted but also may I never let shame keep me from acknowledging that I have sinned and running into Your arms like a child and begging to be forgiven no matter how low I have sunk in sin.

What god can compare with you: taking fault away,
pardoning crime,
not cherishing anger for ever
but delighting in showing mercy?
Once more have pity on us,
tread down our faults,
to the bottom of the sea
throw all our sins.
Grant Jacob your faithfulness,
and Abraham your mercy,
as you swore to our fathers
from the days of long ago.

PSALM 84(85):2-8

O Lord, you once favoured your land
  and revived the fortunes of Jacob,
you forgave the guilt of your people
  and covered all their sins.
You averted all your rage,
  you calmed the heat of your anger.
Revive us now, God, our helper!
  Put an end to your grievance against us.
Will you be angry with us for ever,
  will your anger never cease?
Will you not restore again our life
  that your people may rejoice in you?
Let us see, O Lord, your mercy
  and give us your saving help.

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy.

MATTHEW 12:46-50

My Soul's Beloved,

You kept nothing hidden but made known to us the Way to the Father's House. All who desire to share in the riches of Your glory and Your inheritance may do so for You delight in sharing all with those who dare to love and to serve like You. You have given us an example of how to live and how to die and You have given us Your Holy Spirit so what is impossible for us to do without help and grace, He makes possible with His gifts. All we need to do is receive these gifts and use them and we will bud, blossom, bloom, and flourish as we bring forth an abundance of good fruit for the glory of God. 

How do we know that we belong to the family of God? We know it because You tell us in this Gospel passage - Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother.’

The evangelist, Matthew, says, that Your Mother and Your brothers were standing outside as the crowds prevented them from entering and someone brought word to You saying that they were anxious to speak with You. This is when You say this oft-quoted verse which the Catholic Church recognizes as the greatest compliment of all paid to Your Mother and which many use to denigrate and malign the Holy Virgin, the Mother of God, and the Mother of us all. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother.’

From the moment of her conception, Mary's whole life was surrendered to the will of God. No woman born of woman ever has or will reach the heights of sublime goodness, purity, and holiness and possess the fullness of every grace and virtue than Mary, the Holy Mother of God. She alone is Queen above every creature, above all the angels, lower only than God. None is her equal for no one that ever lived has embraced the will of God more fully than Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother. Thank You, Lord, for giving her to us. We in the Catholic Church have taken her home with us and she will bring us home to You.

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