Monday, May 6, 2024



The Spirit of truth will be my witness;
and you too will be my witnesses. JN 15:26, 27

ACTS 16:11-15 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

If like St. Paul and his companions, we are on fire with the Holy Spirit then, zealous for souls, we will permit Him to take us where He desires to spread the Word of Life to as many as possible so all can come to the knowledge of the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In these verses from today's Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, we see how they traveled from place to place preaching and teaching the Good News tirelessly and with urgency.

I know that I constantly make excuses perhaps sometimes even legitimate ones, but Paul did no such thing. He no longer lived but You lived in him and he permitted You to do with him what You desired. He was so acutely attuned to the Holy Spirit that he was able to pick out from the crowd devout people like Lydia who were receptive and only needed a nudge to bring them to true knowledge of You.

Lydia listened to us, and the Lord opened her heart to accept what Paul was saying. After she and her household had been baptized she sent us an invitation: ‘If you really think me a true believer in the Lord,’ she said ‘come and stay with us’; and she would take no refusal.

This is my prayer to You this day my Lord and my God, that through the power of our prayers and our faith the person we are praying for so earnestly will be baptized, and become a true believer. Nothing is impossible for You, my Lord.

PSALM 149:1-6,9 ©

Sing a new song to the Lord,
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let Israel rejoice in its Maker,
let Zion’s sons exult in their king.

Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music with timbrel and harp.
For the Lord takes delight in his people.
He crowns the poor with salvation.

Let the faithful rejoice in their glory,
shout for joy and take their rest.
Let the praise of God be on their lips:
this honour is for all his faithful.

The Lord takes delight in his people.

JOHN 15:26-16:4 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

Today's Gospel reminds us that our mission is to evangelize the world. We begin where we are right now. We are called to be witnesses of Truth to those around us, those with whom we interact daily. We are called to evangelize by our words, and by our deeds. Moment by moment, by the power of the Holy Spirit abiding in us we become light and salt to those around us. 

You warned Your Apostles and disciples that the servant is not greater than the Master - what the enemies of Truth did to You they will do to those who are Your disciples, members of Your Body - the Church. The martyrdom of Christians continues just as savagely since Your crucifixion. Paul was the greatest enemy of Christians but Your power converted him with a single encounter and the sweetness and tenderness of Your gentle complaint - Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me? And he became the greatest of the Apostles. 

You tell us why they do these things but we also know that we need not be afraid of them but have a greater fear of the One who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Let us pray with compassion for those benighted people who believe that by killing Christians they do God's will. 

They will do these things
because they have never known
either the Father or myself.
But I have told you all this,
so that when the time for it comes
you may remember that I told you.’

Keep us faithful to the end, Lord, despite whatever persecutions we may face for Your sake and for the Gospel. 

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