Monday, February 5, 2024



Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the kingdom
and cured all kinds of sickness among the people. MT 4:23

1 KINGS 8:1-7,9-13 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The great temple that was built by King Solomon into which the priests brought the Ark of the Covenant containing the two stone tablets of the Covenant placed in it by Moses. They also brought into the temple all the sacred vessels and we are told that all Israel sacrificed sheep and oxen, countless, innumerable. Today the temple no longer exists, no sacrifices have taken place since it was destroyed and what was in the past will never be again for God has begun a new and glorious thing in its place. It served its purpose in the past. It was a promise of God's eternal Presence among His people, which has been fulfilled in You, Lord Jesus, Savior and Redeemer of the world.

From the time You instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper and instituted the priesthood as well,  God is no longer inaccessible to His people who are called by His Name. Since then Holy Masses have been celebrated too numerous to count and will be celebrated from the rising of the sun to its setting across the world until You return again in glory. It is because of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist that God is present in the world and we live because of it. Despite the unceasing plotting of the enemies of the Church You established, she will stand glorious, incorruptible, indefectible, because she is Your Body and the Holy Spirit in His fullness dwells in her. 

While Solomon spoke truly when he said, ‘The Lord has chosen to dwell in the thick cloud. Yes, I have built you a dwelling, a place for you to live in forever.’ Yet, as the priests testified when the priests came out of the sanctuary, because of the cloud that filled the Temple of the Lord, they could no longer perform their duties: the glory of the Lord filled the Lord’s Temple. When the Church celebrates the Holy Eucharist there is no cloud between God and His people. You O Lord are living, breathing, tangible and You become our Food and Drink. We eat You and we drink You and we live. Thank You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for this wonderful gift that wells up to eternal life in us.

PSALM 131(132):6-10 ©

At Ephrata we heard of the ark;
we found it in the plains of Yearim.
‘Let us go to the place of his dwelling;
let us go to kneel at his footstool.’

Go up, Lord, to the place of your rest,
you and the ark of your strength.
Your priests shall be clothed with holiness;
your faithful shall ring out their joy.
For the sake of David your servant
do not reject your anointed.

Go up, Lord, to the place of your rest!

MARK 6:53-56 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

As Man You went everywhere healing, preaching, and teaching. You performed great miracles and You had power, divine power, over nature, and power to heal every disease - spiritual, physical, and mental. At Your Word, everything in nature obeyed and bowed to Your will. Everywhere You went You were greeted by large crowds who hurried from towns, villages, and the countryside to listen to You and to be healed by You. They laid down their sick before You and begged You to let them touch even the fringe of Your garment and all who touched You were healed.  

Where do we see this happening today? We see it on the Day of the Lord every Sunday. In some countries, this is more evident than in others. In many places in Asia, the Far East, Africa, also in some nations in South America, the Arab world especially the Gulf countries where there are many expatriates from Asia, and perhaps small pockets in Europe and North America. In my parish, the church is full during the celebration of all the weekly Masses, and on Saturdays and Sundays, it is packed to overflowing. Chairs are placed around the church in the quadrangles and courtyard, and a large number of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are required to give the faithful Holy Communion. At every celebration of Holy Mass, we are transported to Calvary, to the Last Supper, and we encounter You just as truly as the Apostles did then. We touch You, we eat You, we drink You and we are healed in every way that we need healing. Praise be to God now and forever for His mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness O Lord.

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