Friday, September 1, 2023



Stay awake, praying at all times
for the strength to stand with confidence
before the Son of Man. LK 21:36


My Soul's Beloved,

The world seems to have become untethered from its moorings and is moving swiftly in dangerous currents. Its destruction seems imminent. All have sinned, and all are wallowing in cesspools of evil and living licentious lives without any inhibitions or boundaries. Our culture is steeped in death, destruction, in mayhem and the few sane and wise voices are mocked, derided, and silenced by the raucous cacophony of fools claiming to be wise.   

There is a high moral standard. The bar has been set high. You have shown us how to love, how to live, and how to die in order to live forever. You have given us Your Holy Spirit, You have established Your Church. You have given us the Hierarchy and the Magisterium. The Church is adorned with the exemplary lives of Saints from all walks of life that show us that it is possible to walk in Your footsteps, to pick up our cross daily, and to follow You. 

Ignorance of You, ignorance of Your Word, and a refusal to accept the Truth and walk in it with faith, hope, and charity have brought us all to the brink of total annihilation by a few who have sold their souls to Lucifer. 

Let us listen to St. Paul today and understand that we have only one option - we either stand for God or we stand with evil there is no middle ground. We have been called by God to be holy, not to be immoral; in other words, anyone who objects is not objecting to a human authority, but to God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. Save us Lord in Your great goodness, mercy, and love do not permit us to destroy ourselves because You created us for Yourself. 

MATTHEW 25:1-13 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

How did the Christian world reach such depths of moral depravity? How did it lose its moral compass so completely? It happened with one little misstep at a time. One unwise decision at a time - thinking nothing of setting aside God's commandments and seeing them only as a hindrance to freedom rather than the freedom to always choose the right, the good, and the beautiful.  

The wise virgins are few and they are ready to meet the Bridegroom whenever He arrives. But the rest of the world is too caught up with the things of the flesh completely unaware that the tide is coming in slowly but inexorably and death is creeping up on us so quietly that we will be drowned before we can cry out for help. It all seems too late. The world seems to be in total darkness and all seem to have lost their way. 

Is this our fate as well O Lord? Is there anyone who is aware of the evil days that we are living in and are there any Elijahs and Jeremiahs in our day? Save us lost lest we perish eternally. Do not forsake the work of Your hands for You have saved the world. May we not hear those terrible words uttered by Your lips: “I tell you solemnly, I do not know you.” So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.’

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