Sunday, August 13, 2023



My soul is waiting for the Lord,
I count on his word. PS 129:5

1 KINGS19:9,11-13 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

We all desire to experience You, Beloved, a hunger for You is present in our souls from the instant God created us. In today's first reading, we read how Elijah witnessed the presence of God and we too can have this experience. If we know how and where to look for You as Elijah did, we will find You and we will experience Your Presence. Just as he went up the mountain - we need to move out of ourselves and allow our spirit to rise above our senses, the noise, and the clutter. We need to still the clamor of our senses and allow silence to penetrate our being. We need to have the Wisdom of the Spirit to discern how God manifests Himself as He goes by. 

You were not present in the mighty wind that tore the mountains and shattered the rocks before You. Nor were you in the earthquake or in the fire. You were however in the sound of a gentle breeze and Elijah recognized Your Presence, covered his face with his cloak, and came out and stood at the entrance of the cave.

Grant me this grace O Lord, that each time I come to You in prayer the Holy Spirit comes to my assistance and helps me find You in stillness, in silence, in gentleness, in serenity, and recognizing You I come out of myself, my ego, my pride, my selfishness and I stand in silence before You as my soul filled with wonder and awe worships You.

ROMANS 9:1-5 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

If only our bishops and priests and those in authority in the Church had the same burning zeal, compassion, and sorrow that filled St. Paul with such great anguish because his Jewish brethren rejected You. It was an all-encompassing sadness that was always with him because he truly loved them and cared about their salvation. It was to the Jews that God first revealed Himself and made Covenants with them but sadly they did not recognize You, the One whom God had promised them when He finally sent You into the world.

Let us pray for this same zeal, compassion, and love not just for the hierarchy but ourselves as well so Your death will not be in vain for anyone. You paid a debt we owed and could never pay. You entered into the very depths of our human misery so everyone can meet You in their own misery and suffering, in their own loneliness and sadness, in their own wretchedness, and having met You be saved by You for this is why You came into the world so all could believe in You and not perish but have eternal life. 

MATTHEW 14:22-33 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

Not just in the morning during my time of personal prayer but all through the day may my soul rise up to You in praise, adoration, and worship. Just as You went alone to be with Your Father, so too, Lord, may I, rise up to meet You even as I am busy with the things that I ought to do. May everything become a prayer as I do all things for Your glory and because I love You do all with a loving and generous spirit. 

In the world, squalls will rise up seemingly out of nowhere and will threaten to overwhelm and drown us but at times like this we need to be aware that You are with us. Your hand is outstretched lovingly towards us and all we need to do is keep our gaze on You and reach out for Your hand and we will hear You say to us always, 
‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.’ Filled with renewed hope and strength we will be able to walk on water and if like Peter, because we are weak, we take our eyes off You and begin to drown. Grant us the same grace to cry out, ‘Lord! Save me!’ You will save me and lovingly chide me as You did Peter, ‘Man of little faith, why did you doubt?’ But with Your hand firmly grasping mine the wind will drop and You will bring me safely home for You, O Lord, are truly the Son of God who saves us. 

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