Friday, May 26, 2023



The Holy Spirit will teach you everything
and remind you of all I have said to you. JN 14:26

ACTS 25:13-21 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

There is no power on earth that can snatch us from You, nor can anyone change the course of the destiny that God has willed for us from the foundations of the world.

Here we have earthly rulers discussing the case of St. Paul who was accused by fellow Jews and was due to be tried and sentenced. While the governor wanted to send him to Jerusalem, thinking they were more qualified to understand the case since he was accused of false teaching on doctrinal matters concerning the faith. However, You, my Lord, had already told him that he was to go to Rome. So despite what Festus had planned to do, Paul demanded, as a citizen of Rome to put his case before Caesar. Festus had no choice but to comply.

Let us never forget, Beloved, that if we have childlike trust in You all things will work according to Your will and plan for our lives. Paul was destined to preach, teach, and ultimately be martyred, shedding his blood as so many Christians did at that time. Thank You for their courage, Beloved, may we too be ready to lay down our lives rather than deny You and the faith we have in You. Thank You for the rivers of blood of martyrs that have been shed through the ages for their blood is undoubtedly the seed of Christians.

PSALM 102(103):1-2,11-12,19-20 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The most effective way to grow in faith, hope, and love is to have a grateful heart. When we recall all Your goodness, Your mercy, and all the favors You have granted us even when we have been least deserving of them our hearts will swell and overflow with love and thanksgiving. May I never ever forget the abundance of Your blessings on me and my family and may my heart offer You songs of uninterrupted praise as long as I live and have breath in my body. 

After the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the greatest gift that You have given the Church. In this glorious Sacrament, we are washed clean of every sin no matter their gravity or their number. Each time we approach You with a contrite and humble heart determined with Your help to avoid every occasion of sin, You gladly forgive us and restore our souls to their baptismal innocence.

Thank You for the confidence that we have in You, the faithful, Eternal Word of the Father who in the power of the Holy Spirit fulfills all the promises You have made to us. The Word of God does not issue forth from Him without accomplishing all that God sets out to do for His people. 

The Lord has set his sway in heaven
and his kingdom is ruling over all.
Give thanks to the Lord, all his angels,
mighty in power, fulfilling his word.

JOHN 21:15-19 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The Church, from its inception, has recognized the primacy of Peter. At various times we see how You singled him out and made it clear to the rest of the Apostles that it was Peter on whom You would build Your Church. Peter was not better than the rest nor was he more qualified than the others. He was flawed, he lacked courage when it mattered most, he was headstrong, he was impulsive but none of that mattered - God chose him. The matter rests there. 

In today's Gospel passage, we reflect on Your dialogue with Peter in the company of the rest of the Apostles. You restore his dignity with loving-kindness, compassion, and tenderness, as You give him an opportunity to make a public, triple confession of his love forgiving once and for all his triple denial of You. And once again confirm the special ministry You have conferred on him as Your Vicar on earth. 

When for the third time You put the question to Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ the heartbroken Peter who loves You more than the rest, responds, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know I love you.’ You say to him for the third time, ‘Feed my sheep.’ You then go on to tell him that he would, like his Master, also be put to death and the manner in which he would die as well. And then You say to him as You say to us all who are Your disciples, ‘Follow me.’

Beloved, keep me faithful to the end. Amen.

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