Monday, June 6, 2022



GENESIS 3:9-15,20 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The very moment that we permit our will to take precedence over Yours we cause an immediate rupture in our relationship with You. 

Your eyes are always gazing on us the moment Eve ate of the tree and tempted Adam as well God knew. Adam and Eve hid because they knew they had sinned but no one can hide their guilt from God. 

Calling out to Adam, God said, 'Where are you?' And this is how You seek out every sinner too. You do not abandon us no matter how gravely we have sinned. You come looking for us, and because our broken relationship cannot be healed unless we recognize and admit our sin, and even though we desire to hide our sins, healing cannot begin unless we confess the wrong we have done.

There is no excuse for disobeying Your command - we cannot lay the guilt on anyone other than ourselves. Sin is a choice we make just as obedience is a choice. And there are consequences, serious consequences depending on the nature of our sin. 

Our first parents lost paradise for themselves and their progeny. Eve, our mother, allowed herself to be lured, beguiled, and prompted by Evil to disobey You and what is worse she became the beguiler and tempter to Adam luring him to disobey You as well. He was the head, he could have held firm and not given in, sadly he did and he completed the rupture between God and man forever.

But God, who loves us so much would not let go of the crown of His creation without putting in place a new plan involving You, His Son. He planned a do-over, with a New Eve and a New Adam that would yield so wholly to God a new era would begin that would reconcile us to God through You and through Mary's fiat.

Then the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this,
‘Be accursed beyond all cattle,
all wild beasts.
You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust
every day of your life.
I will make you enemies of each other:
you and the woman,
your offspring and her offspring.
It will crush your head
and you will strike its heel.’
The man named his wife ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all those who live.

JOHN 19:25-34 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

You poured out Yourself as a libation for the salvation of the whole world. You emptied Yourself completely and looking down from the Cross in the last moments of Your life before giving up Your Spirit to the Father, You saw Your Mother, You saw me, the beloved disciple, and in a world where sin had found a home, You saw our need of a perfect Mother, Your Mother, who like You, spent her whole life in one sustained breath that yielded in perfect submission to the will of the God.

There we were at the foot of the Cross, and seeing my great need of a perfect Mom, who would take me under her mantle and intercede incessantly on my behalf to You, You said to her,

‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple, (representing me and all who are called by Your Name), You said, ‘This is your mother.’ Beloved, I have taken Your Mama to be Mine. I have made a place for her in my home. Thank You, Lord, for giving me a Mother who never fails me. When I hurt I run to her and she pleads with You on my behalf and You turn the water in my life to sweet wine.

Thank You, Lord, for making perfect restitution for my sins and for the sins of the whole world and for giving me such a perfect Mom.

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