Sunday, May 15, 2022



I give you a new commandment, says the Lord:
love one another as I have loved you.JN 13:34

ACTS 14:21-27 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

Paul and Barnabas were tireless in their mission to spread the Good News and establish churches wherever they went. Once a new Christian community was formed they did not abandon them but returned time and time again to encourage them, strengthen their faith, correct them if any errors had crept in, and admonished them ensuring that they did not stray from the path of Truth.

Sadly, the same cannot be said of the churches today. Members of the church receive perfunctory catechesis, many fall between the cracks and are lost to her forever. While many members of the laity are stepping up and doing the best they can to fill in the gaps of woeful ignorance only those who are interested to learn benefit.

The sad truth is that poorly catechized parents raise even more poorly catechized children and the spiritual aridity is handed down from one generation to the next. 

Lord God, raise up an army of young men and women filled with fervent desire to spread the Good News, on fire with the Holy Spirit and prepared to lay down their lives for Your sake and the sake of the Gospel so the children born in the bosom of Holy Mother Church are not lost to her forever. 

Use those who are faithful to do their part by praying, fasting, and doing what they can to encourage the brothers and sisters around them by their witness to the Truth that saves.


My Soul's Beloved,

The vision of the new heaven and the new earth is a vision of the Church You established. She is impeccable and peerless because You, her head, and her bridegroom have adorned her with all the merits You won for her when You lay down Your life for her. Because You are worthy and she belongs to You, You can present her worthily to Your Father. She has no merit on her own for she is made up of sinners - You redeemed her, You take her up to Yourself and share with her the glory of Your resurrection.

The Catholic Church is the new Jerusalem, the holy city of God, the bride adorned with every grace, virtue, and merit because God the Son is her Bridegroom. New members are constantly being added to her and someday, Beloved, Your prayer that all believers be one, will be answered. God always hears Your prayers.

Thank You for the Church You established - You make Your home among the people of God. You live among us. You call us by our name which You have carved on the palm of Your hand. We are washed in Your Blood and sealed in Your Spirit and no one can snatch us from You.  

We pray and long for the day of Your return, Beloved when You will wipe away our tears. Mourning and sadness will end and the whole of creation made new will resound with worship, praise, and thanksgiving to our God who saves. 

Maranatha! Lord Jesus, Maranatha! Come quickly and renew the face of the earth.

JOHN 13:31-33,34-35 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

Today's Gospel passage begins with the words,
'When Judas had gone.' What a terrible tragedy it is when we deliberately, willfully, and knowingly separate ourselves from You. Nothing good comes apart from You save death. Just as Judas chose to have no part in You so do many Christians hold themselves aloof from You. They identify as Christians but their hearts are far from You - they are neither hot nor cold and the terrifying truth is that You are about to vomit them out of Your mouth. Sadly, many of them think they are good people. You are goodness incarnate and yet because the rich young man did not know who You were You said, 'Why do you call me good, only God is good.' 

How can we dare to call ourselves good when we refuse to obey Your commandments? We can hope to have a full share of Your glory only if we are humble and obedient to the will of God in all things.

As You continue Your final discourse with those closest to You  Your heart is filled with deep and tender love from them. Addressing them as Your little children soon You urge them to love one another with the same deep and abiding love You have for them. What You said to them You say to all of us who are privileged to be Your disciples.

It is only when we witness agape love for each other, the kind of love that puts the needs of others before our own, a love that is willing to die to itself for the good of the other, then and only then can the whole world become convinced that we are truly Your disciples.

‘My little children,
I shall not be with you much longer.
I give you a new commandment:
love one another;
just as I have loved you,
you also must love one another.
By this love you have for one another,
everyone will know that you are my disciples.’

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