Thursday, October 21, 2021



I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
anyone who follows me will have the light of life. JN 8:12

 6:19-23 ©

Yes, Beloved, there were several instances in our lives when we allowed our baser instincts to dictate our actions and we sinned grievously and cut ourselves from You. But thanks be to God for grace that is poured into our souls through the Sacraments. Thank You, Lord, for never giving up on me, never tiring of my propensity to fall constantly, thank You for forgiving me each time I came to You with a repentant and contrite heart. Thank You for the numerous new beginnings You have permitted me. Thank You, Lord, for the assurance that with You there is always forgiveness and pardon for sins no matter how often we fall and how grave our sins.

St. Paul reminds us today that now we no longer are slaves to sin we must grow in holiness, We thank God our Father for giving us so great and glorious a redeemer and Savior in whom we have the promise and fulfillment of eternal life.

PSALM 1:1-4,6 ©

My Soul’s Beloved,

The older we get more often than not the better we understand the purpose for which God created us. The price of our salvation was won for us at Calvary, it is a debt that we cannot repay for there is nothing we have that has any value great enough to pay it. The price of our redemption was obtained at the cost of the life of the Son of God. You lay down Your life for us and took upon Yourself the death that was ours as a result of our sins and our iniquities.

Thank You, for grace that has transformed us and for Your Word that sustains us with its beauty, its power, and the life of the Spirit that strengthens us and renews us. May we, like Mary, ponder Your Word in our hearts, contemplate and meditate on it, and may it become the source of our joy as our faith in Your promises grows.

As long as we are planted in You, as long as the roots of our faith are deeply embedded in You, we will bear good and lasting fruit. Your Word O Lord is a healing remedy for sin.

Keep us save in Your Word and in Your love until the end.

LUKE 12:49-53 ©

My Soul’s Beloved,

You were aware of the power of the Holy Spirit to set the world on fire with His transforming all-consuming love and You desired greatly that that Fire that can only be sent by You was already ablaze. However, there was a crucifixion and a death that had to precede it. There was the horror of the Cross and all the agony that went with it. There was the penalty of sin that had to be paid. Death had to be defeated and its head crushed under Your heel only then could You send the Holy Spirit into the world to begin His transforming work in us.

No, Beloved, not everyone will believe and this is the greatest of all tragedies, that many will refuse the Truth. It takes courage to stand up and embrace the Truth, to speak it boldly no matter the cost, to be prepared to accept persecution, torture, imprisonment, and perhaps even death.

Division is the work of Satan and division is everywhere in homes, in families, in society, in our places of worship, among different faiths, in the workplace, among nations. Grant O Lord, that we who believe may have the courage of our convictions. The Cross ever before us the world always behind us. Amen.

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