Monday, September 20, 2021

Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest, and Paul Chong Hasang, and their Companions, Martyrs - 2021


Your light must shine in the sight of men,
so that, seeing your good works,
they may give the praise to your Father in heaven. MT 5:16

EZRA 1:1-6 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

No opposition no matter how strong can prevail against the mighty Spirit of God. The king of Persia, moved by the Spirit of God, sent out a decree that all God's people who were exiled were to be commanded to return to their own land to rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem. He commanded that his people were to provide the exiles with all that they needed to do so. 

No opposition, no leader, army, no nation, is so powerful that it can withstand the power of the Holy Spirit of God. It is God who changes the course of history as we have seen over and over again. Many are the plans of the wicked but the will and the plan of the Lord our God bring them all to naught.  

So let us not waste time worrying about what people can do to us rather let us know that it is God whom we must obey, love, and serve. It is God alone who saves. No hand raised against God's anointed will succeed. 

PSALM 126 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

It is God who delivers, it is God who saves, it is God who liberates. No matter how strong the chains that hold us enslaved our God breaks the shackles and sets us free. 

Our sins, our bad habits, our lack of self-discipline and will, our inability to resist our weaknesses and to strengthen our will to choose to do that which is good for our souls and pleasing to You enslaves us and makes us wretched. 

But You will set us free if we turn to You and ask You to help us. The greatest sinners can become the greatest sins because You do not give us on us. You can turn the most wretched, evil, person to one who is on fire with the Holy Spirit and is empowered to set the world ablaze with Your love. Truly the love of God is marvelous and You can do great things for us that leave the world astonished at the power of God.

Even if the world were to throw us in the deepest, darkest dungeon, we would still have a song in our heart, praise on our lips, and overflowing joy for with You we are free to soar in spirit to the highest heavens and be united with You in love and peace.

All who receive and gladly carry out Your command in season and out of season to spread the Gospel will shine like stars for not all who are called are receptive to the invitation to make disciples of all nations. Those who do will receive a share in Your glory.

LUKE 8:16-18 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

At my baptism, the Holy Spirit came into my soul and set it ablaze with the love of God. He has lit the lamp of my heart and it is up to me to put it on a lampstand so all who see its light can walk without stumbling. Light dispels darkness. Light reveals that which is hidden. Light gives those who desire it the confidence to walk without the fear of falling down or taking the wrong path.

Every one of Your disciples, without any exceptions, is called to be the light of the world and if for any reason I am ashamed to shine the Light of Truth that is kindled within me by the Holy Spirit, then I will be called to account for my timidity, my cowardice, my lack of faith. When I willfully renounce the gifts that I have been given even the little that I possess will be taken away from me.    

'So take care how you hear; for anyone who has will be given more; from anyone who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.’

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