Friday, July 23, 2021



Blessed are those who,
with a noble and generous heart,
take the word of God to themselves
and yield a harvest through their perseverance. LK 8:15

EXODUS 20:1-17 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

On the Cross on Calvary, You broke the chains that enslaved me. You brought me out of the house of bondage to sin and into Your marvelous light. God gave His people and all generations both Jews and Gentiles, the Law. Without these guidelines, we would be ignorant of the things that are offensive to Him. We were created in love, by love, for love. This is why God sent You into the world to reveal the Face of Love.

Love is not a feeling for feelings are ephemeral, love is a way of life and is born in the will. It is a decision to love the other in season and out of season. This is possible only when we know God first and love Him as we ought. Love makes everything else possible. True love is prepared to die for another. You gave us a perfect example of love for us to follow and You provide the necessary grace the enables us to strive always, no matter how imperfectly, to be like You.

PSALM 19:8-11 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The psalmist has pondered on God's law deeply and has understood how necessary it is to be guided by them. You know the human heart for You created us and You know how we ought to live if we are to be happy in this life.

Sin kills the soul. Sin brings death to the body, mind, and spirit. Sin cripples us in every way and we are unable to break free from it unless we know what goes against the law of love. Ignorance as well as a denial of God's law is hell. 

All who know the laws of God and are guided by them have wellsprings of joy and peace in their soul. Nothing disturbs them, nothing frightens them for they are guided by the Holy Spirit in all things.

It is only the simple and childlike of heart that understands that in order to receive all that is good one must give all that is good. The more we are imbued by the Spirit of God the more promptly will we obey Him in all things. 

Thank You, Father, for giving us the Commandments, without them, we would all be sinning with impunity. Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us that it is possible to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow You. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for providing all the grace and help we need to help us to journey from here to eternity.   

MATTHEW 13:18-23 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

We have allowed the noise of the world to dull our senses to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. All too often we hear Your Word without listening and this is why we are unable to put into practice the Gospel principles. Today, You remind us to listen to Your Word not just to hear it and forget it instantly. 

If we do not cultivate a habit of truly hearing Your Word, listening to what it says, applying it to our lives we will find ourselves floundering in a sea of uncertainty and unhappiness. Your Word has the power to bestow on all who receive it, life in abundance. 

All of us sinners and saints have received Your Word with hard stony hearts, we have received it with indifference, we have been momentarily elated by Your call to discipleship but have promptly been distracted by the siren call of the world and the flesh. We have received it with hearts full of the cares, worries, and anxieties of this world and have allowed the Seed of God's Word to choke and destroy it. 

Thank You for never giving up on us. All our lives You reach out to us and invite us lovingly into a deeper relationship with You. You provide all the grace that is necessary and will stop at nothing to get our attention. And when our hearts are finally ready Your Word will take root in us and will bear fruit for Your glory.  

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