Thursday, June 24, 2021



As for you, little child, you shall be called
a prophet of God, the Most High.
You shall go ahead of the Lord
to prepare his ways before him. LK 1:76

ISAIAH 49:1-6 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The prophecy of Isaiah concerned St. John the Baptist is true about every child of God and every disciple for all the baptized receive the same mandate. We too were called before God lay the foundations of the world, He knew our name before we were conceived in our mother's womb. 

He desires that we possess You, His Word which is sharper than a double-edged sword and has the power to cut through to the very marrow and lay bare the secrets of all.

John the Baptist was entrusted the particular task of preparing the way for You. To open the hearts of the Jews to be receptive to the Word made Flesh, who came among us to reveal the Face of God, that we may touch Him, speak to Him, be touched by Him, eat and drink with Him, and have an intimate relationship with Him. God bridged the unbridgeable chasm between Him and us with You, His Son. 

All of us who believe in You, worship You, love You ought to have the same overpowering, burning zeal of John the Baptist to make You known to the world. To know You and believe in You is to possess the Pearl of Great Price.  

John the Baptist knew that he was only the precursor. He was sent to point to You, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. You are the only Way, You are the Truth, and You are the giver of abundant Life, and we who believe in You, hope in You and love You are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world that attracts everyone to know You too and be saved by You. 

'I will make you the light of the nations
so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.’

PSALM 139:1-3,13-15 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

How can we ever thank God enough for creating us and for the glorious destiny that we have in and through You?

The psalmist, inspired by the Holy Spirit, gives us an understanding of what it means to be known by You. The intimacy of this knowledge of God of each of us assures us that we belong so securely to You that no one and nothing can snatch us away from You. We alone have the power to walk away from You.

There is not a thought, not an idea, not a dream, not a hope, not a desire, that we have that You have not known it before it was ever born in us. All my days lay bare before You and You know each of my movements before I make them. Your Presence is above me, below me, beside me to the right and to the left. You surround me and there is nothing I can do and nowhere I can go to hide from You.

No power can wrest me from You because You have redeemed me, purchased me, died my death, and in exchange given me Your life that is eternal.

I exult in Your knowledge of me. I exult in Your complete possession of me. I exult in the glorious destiny that awaits me when this life comes to an end and death presents itself to me inviting me to enter into the new life that You have waiting for me.

Thank You for creating me exactly the way I am because as the Master Artist I am Your masterpiece, unique, one of a kind, unrepeatable and precious in Your sight.

ACTS 13:22-26 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

You, my Beloved, as St. Paul tells us, are the fulfillment of God's promise to His chosen people, Israel. David was only the prefigurement of what was to come. He was the greatest king of Israel and under his rule peace reigned. You, however, are the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, and the ruler of the entire universe. David, the son of Jesse was a man after God's own heart, You, however, are so much more - You are the Son of God, His Eternal Word, You are the image of the unseen God who came into the world and redeemed it for the Father.

John the Baptist knew his role perfectly, he was only the messenger and he was aware that he was unworthy to even undo Your sandal for he knew who You were, the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world.

Today, we are entrusted to spread the message of salvation wherever we are so all we encounter through the course of our lives may come to know You and be saved, for God's message of salvation is meant for the whole world.

LUKE 1:57-66,80 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The birth of a child is always a cause for 
great celebration for with every new birth new hope is born into the world.

When the baby of Zechariah and Elizabeth was born all the neighbors came to share her joy for they knew that this child was born in miraculous circumstances, new life had sprung where no life was possible.

At his circumcision when the time came for the baby's name to be revealed, his mother Elizabeth said that his name was to be John. God had chosen his name for him. A name that would indicate that he belonged to God. It was when Zechariah confirmed that John was his name that his tongue was unloosed and the power of speech returned to him. When we are obedient to God His power is unleashed in us too and we are able to do His work according to His will.

The birth of John the Baptist was the source of great joy and the cause of much awe and wonder at the amazing things that God had done. They knew that the child was destined to do God's work.

It is not different for each of us who are baptized. By virtue of our baptism we are made children of God, we are given the gift of faith, and we are destined to be God's messengers spreading the Good News by the witness of our lives. For from the moment of our baptism the hand of God is with us just as it was with John the Baptist.

As parents, it is our sacred duty to raise children in the knowledge of God and help them in every way to grow in grace and virtue. We are to teach encourage them to make the right choices that will enable them to live in the shadow of God's Presence and be filled with His Spirit. Too often we fail because we are sinners. Have mercy on us Lord and make up for our lack by Your divine intervention and power to help our children to walk in Your light.

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