Thursday, May 6, 2021



The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice,
says the Lord,
I know them and they follow me. JN 10:27

ACTS 15:7-21 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

Today's reading reminds us why the Church needs a visible head. Peter stood up and spoke and once he speaks the matter is settled. Were it not so there would have been chaos and the Church would have fragmented just as those who broke away continue to fragment and disintegrate - many no longer exist.
After the discussion had gone on a long time, Peter stood up and addressed the apostles and the elders.

The Church has always been a good, tender, compassionate, and understanding Mother - she does not lay impossible burdens on her children. The doctrines You taught are unchangeable for they are Truth but in other matters that are suited for the people in one age may not be so in another and hence she is not inflexible. She takes into account the diversity of her many children flung far and wide - they speak different languages, have vastly different cultures, and one mold does not fit all. She strives to meet the spiritual needs of all under the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The most important thing to remember is that all is grace and this grace emanates from You and from what You have done to save us.

James is in total agreement with Peter and so it must be among the hierarchy of the Church. He recalls the words of scripture where God makes clear that all mankind will come to know and worship Him. It was decided that what they had decided would be sent out in a letter to all the believers so there would be no more division among them.

Thank You, Lord, for Your wisdom that continues to guide the Bark of St. Peter until it reaches safe harbor.

PSALM 96:1-3,10 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

If we constantly recall Your many blessings O Lord, we will always have a song in our heart and praise on our lips. You are great and all You do is great. Your blessings are beyond number and measure. 

Thank You for keeping all Your promises. Even while our churches are presently closed in many parts of the world You have not abandoned us. The Holy Spirit makes our hearts His dwelling place and is no further away from us than our breath.

The day will come, Beloved, we do not know when but it surely will when this dark period will come to an end and we will return with songs of joy and great rejoicing to worship You as a community in the Holy Mass. Until that day arrives we will continue to hunger and thirst for You and You will satisfy all the desires of our heart.

JOHN 15:9-11 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

Today You speak directly to all Your disciples, all who are
called by Your Name, all who are one with You as the branches are one with the vine.

There are no degrees of love where God's love is concerned. We are loved to the same immeasurable degree that the Father loves You and You love the Father.

If we are to enjoy the benefits of this incomprehensible and utterly marvelous love we need to remain in You and the one sure way to do so is to keep every one of Your commandments just as You kept Your Father's commandments.

We cannot pick and choose which to keep and which to ignore - to do so is to imperil our soul. True joy is ours for the taking right here and now if we remain in Your love. Love makes all things possible - every sacrifice for love's sake is a joy for love is prepared to lay down one's life for the beloved. Thank You for showing us the way of Love.

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