Saturday, May 29, 2021



Let the message of Christ, in all its richness,
find a home with you;
through him give thanks to God the Father. COL 3:16a,17


My Soul's Beloved,

Nothing is hidden from those who hunger and thirst for wisdom and truth. You made everything known to those who desire to walk in the path of Life and it is up to us to plant our feet firmly on it.

Solomon, Son of David, prayed for wisdom and was granted it. He was the wisest of the kings. To him were revealed hidden truths and yet in the end he departed from the Way of Wisdom. You, however, also known as Son of David, were also filled with the wisdom of God and You walked steadfastly in the Way of Wisdom to the end. 

Being the Son of God, Wisdom was Your companion from all eternity and as Son of Man, she made her dwelling place in You. The all-encompassing, generous love of the Father gives all His children this incomparable gift and those who yield to her have a friend that is a sure guide no matter how dark the night, and how narrow and difficult the road. She helps us to live lives that yield a rich harvest for the glory of God. 

You are the supreme example and most compelling witness of the power of Wisdom for You yielded in sublime humility to her and she did not hide from You. Anyone who wishes to be Your disciple must yield to the voice of Wisdom in all things if we are to successfully navigate all the perils that are laid to snare us. Give us purity of heart O Lord, and Wisdom will be our friend too until the end.

PSALM 19:8-11 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

The childlike of heart are the friends of Wisdom. They are serene and cheerful no matter how difficult life may be. They trust in Your Word and hence nothing can tempt them to deviate from her path for Your Word is a light to their feet and a lamp to their path. 

Our bodies are healthy when our souls are preoccupied with the things of heaven. When our spiritual vision is clear our faith is boundless and no obstacle is too great that we cannot overcome if we are guided by the Wisdom of God and the power of Your Word. 

Only those who love greatly fear wounding the beloved. Grant is a holy fear for You who are deserving of all our love and we will never stray from the path of Truth.

Give us a hunger and thirst for Your Word and we will never be in want for Your Word satisfies. 

MARK 11:27-33 ©

My Soul's Beloved,

To this day the same question that the scribes and elders put to You are put to Your Church, not only by those of her members who ought to know better but also by the world and those who belong to it.

What authority have you for acting like this? Or who gave you authority to do these things?’ 

And You said: ‘I will ask you a question, only one; answer me and I will tell you my authority for acting like this. John’s baptism: did it come from heaven, or from man? Answer me that.’ 

Anyone who is familiar with Sacred Scripture, the Gospels, as well as Apostolic Tradition, knows unequivocally from whom You receive Your authority. Yet many pretend they don't. There are consequences to acknowledging the truth, one must follow it, obey it, and abide by it. As long as we pretend we do not know it we will have to suffer the consequences of our deliberate blindness.

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