Saturday, February 6, 2021



The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice, says the Lord, I know them and they follow me. JN10:27

HEBREWS 13:15-17, 20-21

My Soul's Beloved,

The most perfect way for any disciple to live is to surrender to You in perfect submission, yielding to Your will in all things - this is the way to true peace and lasting joy. To permit God to make of our lives what He wills is the only way to live in the world as children of God. In this way, our lives are made one with You, and we can offer God an eternal sacrifice of our body, soul, and spirit. If in perfect freedom, we gladly give up our will to embrace God's will as You did, we will receive a share in Your glorious resurrection.

How desperately we cling to the things of the world looking to created things for security that only enslaves and keeps us earthbound. Your way is the difficult way, the hard way, the narrow way - it is the invitation given to the rich young man who turned it down and went away sad.

Obedience is a word that is hateful to the proud and haughty and yet it is what Christianity demands of us. The chatter on social media by some members of the Body of Christ who, mistakenly believe they are doing service to the Church, malign and eviscerate Church leaders. Their words cause scandal to her members and to the world, they harm and wound the Church, they scar her soul and weaken her. The more wholesome, worthy, and worthwhile thing to do is to pray, fast, and do our part in building her up rather than tearing her down. 

You are the Prince of Peace and it is Your peace that You came to give the world. It is a peace that the world cannot give - a deep, inner peace that nothing can destroy. Washed in Your Blood and sealed in an eternal covenant of Love, we are armed with the power of the Holy Spirit to do Your will and seek to glorify You always by our lives. 


My Soul's Beloved,

This is the most popular and most loved of all the psalms. It reveals who You are and how tenderly and lovingly You care for us. 

If we prayed just this Psalm always, thought about it, meditated on its promises, and allowed it to permeate our inmost being, we would live tranquil lives. With childlike trust, we would place our hand trustingly in Yours, and be troubled about nothing. 

Nothing would perturb us, disturb us, worry us, make us anxious if we allowed You to lead us, guide us and carry us. We would find in You perfect rest. You would feed us, wash us clean, slake our thirst, and refresh us with Your Spirit

In the dark night of faith, we would walk with confidence in the brilliant and dazzling light of Your love. You are true to Your Name, Jesus, a name that saves. You are the Christ, the Anointed One of God, and in You, we too are anointed and consecrated to the Father. Thank You for giving us a home in Your Sacred Heart, here we rest in perfect peace safe from all evil. Thank You, Beloved, for keeping all Your promises.
MARK 6:30-34 

My Soul's Beloved,

The Apostles return to You excited after their first solo mission and You are just as eager to hear them tell You everything that they experienced and all that they did with the authority You conferred on them. You were proud of them and solicitous for their wellbeing so You said to them, ‘You must come away to some lonely place all by yourselves and rest for a while’

Again Mark remarks that because the crowds pursued You and the Apostles wherever You went and made such great demands on You and them, there was no time to either eat or rest. So together with them, You take off by boat to a lonely place where You and they could be alone for a while. 

The people saw which way You went and guessing where You were headed reached the place before You could get there a large crowd was already waiting for You. But You were not angry or impatient with them, aware that their religious leaders had failed them miserably, You were sorry for them. They were starved for spiritual nourishment, they needed Your help and Your guidance, or else they would be lost. This is why You came into the world, to seek and save the lost sheep of Israel and the world. Setting aside Your own need for food and rest You fed them on the Word.

Grant, O Lord, that we too might seek You, follow You closely, and depend on You alone for all our spiritual and temporal needs. You are a God of love, full of pity and tender compassion. You know how frail and weak we are and how much we need You. You never fail those who cling to You and depend on You. Thank You.

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