Thursday, December 31, 2020



The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.
To all who received him he gave power to become children of God. John 1:1-18 

1 JOHN 2:18-21

My Soul's Beloved,

Our faith was handed down to us by the Apostles, and the fullness of Your teaching is safeguarded in the rich treasury of the Church You established of which You are its Cornerstone and Peter the Rock on which it is founded. We have Your assurance, Beloved, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The world, those of the flesh, and Satan have tried in vain for over 2000 years to bring her down. 

Every heresy has been fought and refuted based on Your Word in Scripture and Your Word in Oral Tradition faithfully preserved by Holy Mother Church. The bark of St. Peter continues to sail the seas of evil and the waves buffet her on every side and sometimes, although it may seem You are asleep and we are left to weather the storm on our own, this is not true. You are always in control and You will guide her safely home to harbor in the Kingdom of God.

Antichrists abound even in the Catholic Church and sadly even among her shepherds and those holding high office. The many scandals that have rocked her are proof that Satan has entered her portals through weak and sinful men and women. But even the evil within cannot bring her down as history has shown.

Many of God's children are swayed by the rhetoric of the worldlywise especially those who have never been grounded in their faith. We have nominal Catholics and Catholics in name only who know nothing about the immeasurable treasury of graces that are ours through the awesome Sacraments You instituted. The greatest of which is the unfathomable wonder and awesome mystery of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Calvary is made present to us here, we eat Your Flesh and drink Your Blood, You renew and strengthen us in faith, hope, and love.

We are living at the close of the age, Beloved, and it is time for ignorant and indifferent Catholics to throw away the cloak of ignorance and make their own study of the Good News that Truth is a Person whose Name is Jesus Christ, the anointed of God and the only One with the power to save sinners. Now, before it is too late, let us take advantage of all the resources available at our fingertips, and ask the Holy Spirit, the Gift of Gifts given to us at our Baptism, to assist us to make a real study of the Treasure hidden in the field, and the Pearl of great price and make it our own.  Let us make a start now, for as long as today lasts and before it is too late.

PSALM 96:1-2,11-13

My Soul's Beloved,

You have come into the world and You have transformed it by Your love and Your Presence. The wonderful new song given to all is the song of our salvation. The Babe of Bethlehem came into the world to teach us the Way of God which leads to eternal life. 

All the baptized have a pressing mission entrusted to us. We have an inescapable and loving duty to make You known and loved so all can come to the knowledge of Truth and be saved by the power of Your Name. 

You have overcome the world through means by which those of the world can never understand - poverty, meekness, humility, and obedience. These are concepts that are foreign to those of the world but true wealth belongs to those who are despised by the world for Your sake and for the sake of the Kingdom.

You will come again, but this time in glory, majesty, and power. You will return as the righteous judge and all who have been harassed, oppressed, cast aside, trodden on, pushed to the peripheries where they do not disturb the arrogance of the wicked, will rejoice and be glad. To the consternation of the wicked, it is the poor in spirit who have God as their Father, Brother, Helper, and Friend.

JOHN 1:1-18 

My Soul's Beloved,

The Holy Spirit inspired the beloved disciple, John, Apostle, and evangelist to write so powerfully, movingly, and illuminatively about You. The opening verses of John's gospel thrill the soul with their beauty and majesty. He uses words that make the Eternal Word come alive, words that paint a picture of unimaginable beauty and grace on the canvas of our soul.

John was the disciple that leaned on Your breast, nearest to Your heart. You loved him more than the others because the love of creatures or created things did not obstruct and hinder his love for You. He heard the love song of Your heartbeat, and with the help of the Holy Spirit was given the words to describe it to us so we too could understand in some small measure the Light, Beauty, Goodness, and Truth of God made flesh who lived among us. 

Eternal Word of the Father, Word of infinite power and majesty, who laid the foundations of the world and through whom all that is came to be, we thank You for becoming small, weak, helpless, and dependent for our sakes. You have shown us that it is only through loving submission, obedience, and humility to the will of God, we enter the Kingdom of God. You stooped to come to us and we come to You by stooping low ourselves. 

Like John the Baptist each of the baptized is called to be a witness to the Truth. We must prepare the way as he did by training today's generation to know You, believe in You, and receive You. Many will reject You, just as Your own people did but we must not lose hope for, 'To all who do accept You, You give the power to become children of God.' 

You are not stingy with Your gifts. All who believe, receive from Your fullness, grace without measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. While it is true, Beloved, that no one has ever seen God; but You, His only Son, who is nearest to the Father's heart, You have made Him known to us for You are the visible image of the invisible God. 

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