Tuesday, December 29, 2020



A light to enlighten the pagans
and the glory of your people Israel. LK 2:32

1 JOHN 2:3-11

My Soul's  Beloved,

The commandments make us aware of sin which leads to separation from You, a separation that means death. One can obey from love or fear. Obedience in love rather than fear is what pleases You best. The better we know You the easier it is to do as You command. Love prompts obedience especially when the beloved is God. 

You command us to be holy and perfect as the Father is holy and perfect and by obeying the Law of Love we can best reflect the image of our heavenly Father.

True knowledge of God helps us to love Him as we ought and only those who truly love Him obey all of His commandments. Obedience in humility to God's law is the hallmark of love. No one who truly loves You will do anything that will separate themselves from You - to do so is eternal death.

You came into the world to show us how to live in the Way that leads to perfection. All we need to do is to walk in Your footsteps, and imitate You by picking up our cross daily and following close behind You. There is no other way to the Kingdom but the way of suffering and the way of the cross.

It is hard to deny ourselves in a world that preaches a gospel of self-indulgence, and instant gratification. Perfect love makes itself visible in the laying down of one's life for a sister or brother in need. If we cannot or are unwilling to do so we condemn ourselves and You are not in us. We are warned that it is time to wake up for the Day of the Lord is almost upon us - may we not be caught sleeping when it arrives.

PSALM 96:1-3,5-6 

My Soul's Beloved, 

The eyes of a child of God are wide open to the wonder of creation, the heart of a child is filled with constant delight at the goodness of God, and the soul of a child is always in close communion with the Creator of all things.

This is why saints and little children are joyful. They see the imprint of the Creator in all things, and most especially in their neighbor. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to discover the infinite and varied ways in which You reveal Yourself to us. 

A soul that is awake and alive sees God in all things and sings His praise unceasingly with every breath even when it is asleep and at rest. Lord, grant me a childlike spirit so I may never cease to praise You all the days of my life.

LUKE 2:22-35

My Soul's Beloved,

We live at a time in history when no one can claim ignorance of You. We can refuse to believe in the Light and Hope of the nations but we cannot deny that the Light has come into the world and has dispelled the darkness in the souls of all who believe. All who walk in Your Light walk in hope. 

Mary and Joseph knew You were God and yet they followed all the prescribed laws of Moses. Neither Mary nor You needed purification for You were both sinless. They made the prescribed offering of sacrifice, 'Every first-born male must be consecrated to the Lord – and also to offer in sacrifice, in accordance with what is said in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons'. Even though You are the first-born son of Your Father through whom we too are consecrated to Him 

I am certain that Mary and Joseph were in a state of perpetual wonder and awe from the moment of Your conception but most especially now as Simeon, inspired by the Holy Spirit reveals all that will take place as he turns to Mary and says, 'You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected – and a sword will pierce your own soul too – so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’ A shiver of trepidation must have run over her, yet she trusted as always, even though she did not fully understand. She was after all God's handmaiden whose response to Him unfailingly was, 'Let it be done to me according to Your word.'

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