Saturday, October 10, 2020



Happy are those
who hear the word of God
and keep it. LK 11:28


My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Our inheritance, the legacy received from Adam is sin. The Law bound and condemned. It repudiated but was powerless to do anything else. Sin abounds in the world mainly due to ignorance of You. The only way to free ourselves from the bondage of sin is to believe in You, yet faith is a gift not given to all but to whomever God chooses to give it to. Faith in You alone has the power to save.

We are saved by the waters of Baptism. But Baptism is only the first step without the rest of the life-giving Sacraments instituted by You we are in constant danger of withering on the vine.

Baptism bestows on the Christian the dignity of being children of God, equal in His sight, and co-heirs with You to the Kingdom of heaven. But it still is only the first step in our pilgrim journey to eternal life. 

PSALM 105:2-7

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

The work of salvation wrought by You on the Cross in perfect humility and obedience is the reason why heaven and earth come together in praise, worship, and adoration of God who so loved us that He gave us His only Son. He was prepared to make the ultimate Sacrifice to restore what Adam lost.

As long as we draw breath we are invited to contemplate the wonder of God's love for us, sinful human beings. He does not need us and we add nothing to His glory, yet He heaps on us grace upon grace to assist us to make the journey victoriously from this life to the next. He ardently desires us to remain with Him forever this is why He made a Covenant of Love sealed in Your Blood and in the Holy Spirit. All who believe in You are saved.

LUKE 11:27-28

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Mothers rejoice not only when their own sons and daughters are truly good and strive to grow in holiness but they are filled with admiration and praise for mothers who have raised godly and virtuous children. It is no wonder then that this woman in the crowd was so awestruck by Your wisdom, power, teaching, and  presence that she cried out, ‘Happy the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!’ 

While what she said was true, for there never was nor will there be a mother more blessed than Yours, You quelled her exuberance by gently steering her into a more important truth, ‘Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it!’

We are all invited to not only hear Your word but to listen to it and obey it.

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