Tuesday, October 13, 2020



The word of God is something alive and active:
it can judge secret emotions and thoughts. HEB 4:12


---- Mine,

Nothing can enslave you unless you give consent to it. For freedom you were set free - freedom to do good, freedom to choose what is right, freedom to live as a child of God, freedom to walk in the light, freedom to say no to all forms of evil even if it costs you everything including your life. 

If you submit to anything other than Me and My Spirit, you condemn yourself. Nothing you do saves you, for the work of redemption has already been accomplished for you by Me, all you need to do to be saved is to believe. Have faith in Me. 

Pay attention to the Word of God and let My Word be the rule of your life. Through the Spirit abiding in you bear fruit that will last, the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. You are known by the fruit you bear. Remain in my love and the power of the Holy Spirit will manifest itself in all you do.

PSALM 119:41, 43-45, 47-48

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We know love is God's nature and along with the psalmist, I pray for this love to come upon me, to descend in me, and make a dwelling place home in my soul according to your promises. Your word is Truth, I place all my hope in Your Word. 

Thank You, for the gift of the Helper, the Holy Spirit without His assistance I would be unable to keep from falling into sin. He pours grace into my soul which enables me to hold fast to You, to cling to You, to desire never to be separated from You.

You are the Living Word of the Father - I believe in the Eternal Word. Help me build my home on the Word. I desire the Word to be my rock, my refuge, my hiding place, my comfort, my solace, my life, my hope, and my joy. May I ponder on it, meditate on it, contemplate it, know it, receive life through it, and remain faithful to it to the end.

LUKE 11:37-41

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

What was the true motive of the Pharisee who invited You to dine at his house? Was it to continue the ceaseless quest to trap You, to find ways to discredit You before Your disciples and the great crowds that followed You wherever You went? In any case, You accepted his invitation and went to his home. You already knew his motives and You knew what would take place at that meal. You took Your seat at the table without performing the ritual of washing Your hands before eating thus giving Your host a perfect opportunity to criticize You which of course he did, thus opening the way for You to open their eyes to their own hypocrisy.  

So many of us are like the Pharisees whose actions You condemned. 'You clean the outside of cup and plate, while inside yourselves you are filled with extortion and wickedness. Fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside too? Instead, give alms from what you have, and then indeed everything will be clean for you.’

All the novenas we make, all the prayers we pray, all our fasts are meaningless if we do these things to make an outward show of our piety. This is why You encourage us to do all our good deeds in secret. Our left hand ought not to know what our right hand is doing. How generous are we in giving of our time, our company, of spending ourselves as well as our money on those who need it without being miserly about it or cautiously considering the cost to ourselves? 

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