Thursday, October 22, 2020



I have accepted the loss of everything
and I look on everything as so much rubbish
if only I can have Christ
and be given a place in him. PH 3:8-9


Abba Father in heaven,
As I come in Your Presence today,
And fall on my knees before You,
Grant me this petition I pray.

From the wealth of Your glory in heaven,
Dear Father, I ask that You give,
Me power through Your Holy Spirit,
To be strong as long as I live.

I ask not for strength in my body
But strength in my inner self.
And of You My Lord and My Savior,
I have a favor to ask of as well.

In faith, I ask You, Lord Jesus,
To make Your home in my heart,
Then will my roots and foundation
Be deeply embedded in love.

So I, along with Your people,
Have the power to understand,
The breadth, length, the height, the depth of,
The wonderful love of my Lord.

Yes, my Lord and my Savior,
May I know and be filled with Your love,
A love that can never be fully known,
And so have the nature of God. 

Eph 3:14-19 

Myra D’Souza / 14.2.1998

PSALM 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

The Father has created us for You because He loves You and He loves us. We have an awesome God who has spared no effort to ensure that we are given all we need to make it safely in our pilgrim journey, from this life to the life that is to come.

The journey, though difficult is made easy for You have put a song in our hearts and praise on our lips. when our hearts are filled with songs of praise. We are full of thanksgiving in all the circumstances in our life for we know that You lead us step by step, and day by day, ensuring with the help of the Holy Spirit that we grow slowly but surely more and more like You.

God our Father created the world and filled it with beauty to give us pleasure and delight. His imprint is all around us and more importantly, it is on our soul which He has made for You alone. We are espoused to You, Beloved. We are Yours in this life and eternally.

We can trust You always, no matter how dark the night, how narrow the road, how difficult the way, for You have placed Your yoke upon us and are given all the strength and courage we need. We are fed on the heavenly manna so we will know neither hunger nor thirst for we eat Your Flesh and drink Your Blood and are imbued with Your Spirit.

Faith is Your gift to us, without it, we can do nothing that is pleasing to the Father or to You. Faith in You will see us through until faith and hope are realized eternally in the beatific vision.

LUKE 12:49-53

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Ignorance of the Truth is what causes division, hatred, and murderous rage. Today You warn all who believe in You that discipleship is not an easy road but fraught with danger and difficulties. You warn us that we who choose to follow You will suffer as You did - if they persecuted You, we too will be persecuted, if they arrested and imprisoned You we can expect no less. If they tormented, mocked, and tortured You, we will receive the same treatment from the enemies of Truth. They put You to death and we ought not to be surprised if we are put to death as well for the servant is not greater than the Master.

You were plunged into the baptism of our death so we who believe could be raised to new life in Your glorious resurrection. To us is given the Holy Spirit and with His help, we will set the world on fire with divine love. 

You warn us also that the enemies of Truth can be found in our own households. They reject the Truth and are prepared to do all in their power to destroy it for the Truth holds up an uncomfortable mirror reflecting their dishonesty and lies. But Truth has already prevailed and all who choose to stand on the side of Truth will share in Your triumph and victory. 

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