Monday, October 26, 2020



Your word is truth, O Lord:
consecrate us in the truth. JN 17:17

EPHESIANS 4:32-5:8

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

There is no excuse for the children of the light to flirt with the things that belong to the dark yet we do so over and over again. We skate dangerously close to the precipice when we allow ourselves to engage in a culture that seduces and draws us away from life and truth. 

St. Paul urges us to show kindness to one another - we live in an age where kindness is rare. If we are kind then we will be willing to forgive no matter how grave the offense against us for we would be striving to imitate You. 

We are called to love the Church of which You are the Head and we its members. St. Paul says, 'Be friends with one another.' In our conversations, there is precious little that is kind, generous, and understanding, there is a distinct lack of a genuine desire to know the truth that sets us free from condemning anyone especially those whom we ought to think twice before we dare to condemn. 

The language of the world is coarse, cruel, and crude, and inescapable for it is everywhere and is a reflection of the spirit of our age. The children of God are called to shine bright and overcome the darkness instead it appears that they are being overpowered by the night. The only way to ensure that the light is not put out is for all who believe in You to shun all forms of impurity and to have nothing to do with idolaters who worship the false gods of the flesh. These will not inherit the Kingdom of God. The world is so divided and the voices of evil are so strident and loud many are deceived by the clever manipulation of words empty of truth, beauty, and honor. 

St. Paul's warning to the Ephesians is as relevant today as it was then, if not more so, for he says, 'Do not let anyone deceive you with empty arguments: it is for this loose living that God’s anger comes down on those who rebel against him. Make sure that you are not included with them. You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord; be like children of light.'

PSALM 1:1-4, 6

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We are created by God for life, for love, for beauty, for truth, for integrity, for joy, for friendship, for laughter, for worship, for thanksgiving, for heaven, and foremost for God.

The very first psalm directs us on how we are to live if we desire to know true happiness. As members of Your Body, we must remain always planted beside the stream from which Living Water flows so we will not perish but live, thrive, and be fruitful. Your Word is Life. Your Word is Truth. Your Word is unchangeable and means the same thing today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow and forever. The more we meditate on it, ponder it, allow it to take root in us and direct all we think, say, and do the more fully will we be incorporated in You, and the more will we yield our lives to the power of the Holy Spirit operating in us.

What a privilege it is to be called children of God for that is exactly what we are by virtue of our baptism. The God of love created us to know Him, love Him, and be happy with Him not only in the next life for all eternity but right now as well. 

We know the fate of the wicked, therefore let us permit the Church You founded take us by the hand and help us to strive always to be holy and perfect just as God our Father, is holy and perfect.

LUKE 13:10-17

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

The worst thing to be called is a hypocrite because a hypocrite seeks to deceive and all deception comes from the devil.

Guard me against all evil and keep me as Your own little nothing always. Thank You.

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