Wednesday, October 28, 2020



We praise you, O God,
we acknowledge you to be the Lord.
The glorious company of the apostles praise you, O Lord.


My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Who can find the words to express our thanksgiving to Your Father for His graciousness towards us, His sinful creatures? He sent You, His beloved Son into the world to reveal His Face to us. He was made visible in You, tangible through You, He became God with us, Emmanuel, through You, the Eternal Word made flesh who dwelt among us and established the Kingdom of God in us and among us.

St. Paul reminds us that because of Your obedience to the Father's plan of salvation we no longer are aliens but citizens of the Kingdom of God. We, Your chosen people, are part of a glorious edifice, the New Jerusalem, that is being built up. It has as its foundation the apostles and the prophets of which You are its main and invincible cornerstone. We are all members of Your glorious Body, the Church. We are the Living Temple of God's Holy Spirit and God, in His fullness, resides in this Temple with You as its Head. We are alive with Your life-giving Spirit that is poured into us, who dwells in us, and remains in us so we may give glory to God our Father who loves us with a love beyond all imagining. You are the Sign of His love for us.  

PSALM 19:2-5

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

You are the Living Word, the Eternal Word, the glorious Word, the only Word of God, our Father. God uttered the Word when sought to lay the foundations of the world and all that He desired to create came to be. The Spirit of God hovered over the waters and God spoke the Word that is Light, the Word that is Love, the Word that has the power to generate all that is true, good, beautiful, noble, and worthy of praise.

All that God creates exists by His goodness, He sustains all with the power of His Word, and all that is alive breathes with the breath of His Spirit. We give God glory by simply being exactly what He created and intended us to be. From the rising of the sun to its setting all of creation sings a song of glorious praise to the Living God.

The saving Word of God continues the work of salvation as many more sons and daughters hear the Good News, believe in it, and are drawn into God's own family. This work will go on until all have heard, all believe, and all are saved, and then Beloved, You will come again in glory. We long for the day of Your coming, my Lord, and my God.

LUKE 6:12-16

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

You handpicked Your Apostles after going up the mountain and spending the whole night in close communion with Your Father in prayer. 

The most important things You did were done after ascending a mountain and this was to be among the most important for You were going to choose twelve men from among Your disciples as the foundation stones on which You would build Your Church. They were to be the first of living stones.

Luke gives us a list of the Twelve, beginning with Simon whose name You changed to Peter, he was to be the chief of the Apostles. He then goes on to list the others Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the  Zealot, Judas son of James and finally  Judas Iscariot, to whose name the label of traitor will always be attached.

These were chosen by the triune God and were entrusted with ensuring that the Word of God went forth through all the earth and to the ends of the world. Grant O Lord, that we who are also commissioned to do the same strive to be as faithful as they were. 

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