Tuesday, September 15, 2020



Happy is the Virgin Mary,
who, without dying,
won the palm of martyrdom
beneath the cross of the Lord.

1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-14, 27-31

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We Christians, are grafted to Your Body by virtue of our Baptism. Faith in You is God's gift to us. We believe in You and in Your Name and believing we are saved. But just believing is not enough our faith must be a light that invites the world's weary to come out of the darkness and live in this light whose source is You, the Light of the world.

Each one of us is called to do a specific work that God has already planned for us to do. No one else is assigned the task designed for me alone - it is a necessary work no matter how humble, no matter how insignificant I or anyone else may think it is. It is a work that must be done and will remain undone if I neglect to do it. I am called to build up Your body, Beloved. I am called to do my part faithfully failure to do so will cause the rest of the body to suffer.  

There is a hierarchy in the Church - You are its Head, next comes the Apostles and after them the rest according to the work assigned to each. We are called to obey in humility, we are called to serve. We imitate the Head who although the Son of God did not grasp equality with God but humbled Yourself. You were obedient even unto death on the cross. You came to serve and to give Yourself as a ransom for many. Instead of spending our time quibbling, and in rank disobedience let us do the work assigned to us faithfully, if not we will continue to weaken Your Body, which is Your Church. May we use the gifts we have received to build up rather than to tear down.


My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We are Your people, the sheep of Your flock. We have been sealed in Your Spirit and in Your Blood. We have been washed clean in the waters of baptism and we are grafted into Your Body. We belong to the family of God. This is why we ought to be a people of joy and our joy should be contagious. We are called to a life of joyful service to You and to our brothers and sisters. 

If we truly lived the beatitudes then we would have songs of praise overflowing from our hearts always no matter what the circumstances of our lives. Just the knowledge that we have been chosen from among many to belong to You, to be part of Your sheepfold, ought to fill us with a deep desire to conform to the will of the Holy Spirit. Sadly so many of us who are baptized are ignorant of You. Many have strayed far from the sheepfold and are lost. Many have wantonly and deliberately turned their back to You to follow false shepherds who are leading them to ruin and death.

Beloved, we know the treasure we have received in knowing You but that is not enough. We need to have a real burden in our hearts to work tirelessly for the salvation of souls. You are good, You are faithful, You are merciful, and You desire the salvation of the world. Help us to do our part in spreading the Good News of salvation which You wrought for the whole world on the Cross.

JOHN 19:25-27

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Has any human being ever suffered the heartrending pangs of grief that Mary, Your Mother did? Has any mother ever witnessed and endured what she did? Through it all, she remained steadfast. Her faith in God, her complete surrender to His will, and her indomitable inner strength were the fruit of her unwavering faith. From the moment of Your conception in her womb, through Your public ministry, Your horrific and inhuman passion, and death, her passionate, all-surpassing love for You kept her by Your side. Her steadfast presence, her palpable love, compassion, and sorrow as she accompanied You every step of the way, comforted You. She entered completely into Your passion in spirit and was one with You through it all. She suffered with You, every blow that struck You, struck her as well. Every fall under the weight of the heavy cross crushed her as well. Your thirst was her thirst and finally, as the lance was thrust into Your side it ran through her heart as well. 

You gave us Your Mother at the foot of the cross when You entrusted her to the beloved disciple. He took her to his home and made a place for her in his heart and in his life. In giving us Your Mother, the last of all Your gifts to us before You died, You have given us a lifelong heavenly and earthly companion, a mediatrix through whose immaculate heart and hands You delight in giving us all the graces we need, a tireless intercessor as at the Wedding in Cana. How can we thank You enough Beloved, for this most excellent of all mothers?   

Mary, our Mother, and Mother of the World, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mediatrix of all graces and co-Redemptrix with Your Son, our beloved Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, continue to plead for us at His right hand so we may all come to that wonderful place that God, our Father has prepared for us even before He laid the foundations of the world. As the most chaste spouse of the Holy Spirit, obtain for us all the gifts and power we need to accomplish all that God desires of us until we reach our heavenly destination safely. Amen. 

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