Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Give thanks to the Lord, all his hosts,
his servants who do his will. PS 102:21

REVELATION 12:7-12ab

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

In every age it would appear that evil has conquered, good vanquished, and rule and dominion handed over to the rulers of the world. This is a lie that Satan spreads in order to weaken the resolve of the faithful remnant who continue to battle against the forces of evil.

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, and we are encouraged because we know that mighty heavenly forces, legion upon legion of angels commanded by the Archangels fight ceaselessly against the forces of darkness. While the great deceiver wins battles the war is won.

We are saved by the Blood of the Lamb, all who hear the Word of Life and believe are created anew. There is no greater power than the power of the Cross, there is no greater vindication for the penitent than the Blood of the Lamb that washes us clean of every sin. You are the Incarnate Word of God, the Eternal Word of the Father, the only, Living Word God utters in the power of the Holy Spirit, and with this Word, He has conquered. 

We are Your witnesses, Beloved, we are Your people, the sheep of Your flock, and the life we have received is Your life. Death no longer holds us for Your Word and Your Blood have conquered and You have won the victory in which we who believe receive a share. We rejoice because in life or in death we are Yours.

PSALM 138:1-5

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Being finite creatures our vision is limited and yet ever since You laid the foundations of the world You have revealed much that is divined not only through our experience, and our senses but also through the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

To Your Church is given the fullness of Truth which she treasures carefully and hands down meticulously to her children from one generation to the next. This Truth will be preserved unsullied, and You have guaranteed that this precious deposit of faith will not be watered down but preserved in all its beauty and majesty until You return.

We are unable to see the mighty archangels, angels, dominions, principalities, that watch over the Church and over the world but we can trust in Your faithfulness and in Your Word. As long as today lasts, Beloved, the Church will offer to the Father, in the presence of all the angels and saints the one, holy, perfect, and most acceptable Sacrifice of Calvary that ensures Your Life and Presence in the world until Your return in glory. Maranatha! Lord Jesus, Maranatha!

JOHN 1:47-51

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

There are multitudes of angels, Your messengers, who are at work ceaselessly doing Your bidding as they keep constant vigil over us and over the world. Legions of angels adore You in all the tabernacles of the world, at the celebration of every Holy Mass, and in every adoration chapel. We are mortal, hence we cannot look into the realm of the supernatural but it is all around us. But to some, such a privilege is given. 

You know us and You recognize us just as You knew and recognized Nathanael. You know all about us even before we come to believe and You have already prepared the way for us to enter into fellowship and friendship with You. 

Nathanael was a man after Your own heart. He was a man of prayer, he was a man seeking for the truth, and every true seeker of Truth will encounter You in Person, for You are Truth. All who know You and love You with all the fervor of their souls are drawn into a communion of love with You, the Father, and the Holy Spirit and will experience the wonder of seeing heaven laid open and, above the Son of Man, the angels of God ascending and descending just as You promised Nathanael would. 

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