Sunday, July 26, 2020



Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; for you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. MT 11:25

1 KINGS 3:5, 7-12

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

When King Solomon, was asked by God what he desired to have, young as he was, he asked for the gift of wisdom. God was so pleased with his choice that in addition to wisdom he was also granted great wealth and long life.

Scripture tells us in the Book of Proverbs that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. When we have our priorities in order and do what is right, when we strive after goodness, holiness, and purity, when we seek to love You above and before all else, then God will grant us all we will ever need in this life and eternal happiness in the life to come. 

PSALM 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

If only I loved Your law and Your word as the psalmist did then I would discover that in keeping it ever before me and obeying it always, I would possess an enduring peace in the core of my being no matter how tumultuous life was around me. 

Thank You, Father, for Your Holy Spirit and for the gift of holy wisdom. Thank You, Beloved, Incarnate Word of God, for revealing the power of this gift. The first and foremost gift of wisdom is the fear of God. Grant me a childlike spirit O Lord, that I am always aware of who You are, trembling with awe and wonder at Your glory and majesty may I never cease to be amazed at Your unfathomable love for me. May I strive from moment to moment to never offend You my God who are all good and deserving of all my love, my worship, my adoration, my praise, and my gratitude.

ROMANS 8:28-30

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

You created me for a glorious destiny. How can I ever thank You enough not only for creating me but for the free gift of faith as a cradle catholic? How well St. Paul puts it when he says that in all things You work for good for those who love You. In the most bitter, painful, and anguished experiences in my life, You have been able to draw tremendous grace and blessings not only for me but for those around me.  

All of God's children are predestined for eternal bliss with Him. This is His plan for us from the dawn of creation. Even the horrendous sin of our first parents could not thwart that glorious plan. God found a way to right that unrightable wrong through You, His firstborn, most beloved Son. You have become our justification through Your Blood, and we have become Your brothers and sisters. In You, we are justified, in You we are glorified, in You alone can we realize our destiny as co-heirs to the Kingdom of God. 

MATTHEW 13:44-52

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

The kingdom of heaven is the place where all God's children will find their rest. God created us for Himself and our whole lives here on earth are a preparation for the life that will be ours in eternity. We are pilgrims journeying from this life to the next and our choices determine whether or not we will claim our inheritance or lose it.

No one can occupy my place in the Kingdom. It is mine to keep or to lose because God intends it for me alone. The Kingdom of God is the hidden treasure and on finding it I will discover that it is no hardship at all to consider the tinsel allure of the world well lost in order to possess the Pearl of great price. 

Life is short and in the time allotted to us, we are invited to choose the narrow way that leads to life. We are called to be yoked to You, to cast our burdens on You, to find our rest and our peace in You, so when You come again to haul the nets in after the great catch, the good will be set aside and the bad thrown away. The wicked will be separated from the good by the choices they have made. 

As we prepare for our own final and personal judgment, Beloved, You remind us that we receive the fullness of God's revelation in both the Old Covenant and the New. Each is necessary since the New is veiled in the Old and the Old is brought into the Light of Truth by the New. One without the other is incomprehensible; we need to know both so we can walk the Way in the Light of Truth leading to Life.

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