Friday, July 24, 2020



Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart, take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. LK 8:15

JEREMIAH 3:14-17

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We will never understand why God loves us so completely and irrevocably even though we are lukewarm, hardhearted, stubborn, and unfaithful. All we have is given to us by Him, yet generation after generation, following the example of Adam and Eve, have been disobedient, have willfully turned away from You, have closed our ears to His  Voice and yet He ceaselessly and tenderly woos us back. 

That first sin cost us complete separation from Him yet He would not accept our rejection but sought a way to repair the irreparable damage through the Gift of the Incarnation of His Eternal Word, His first born, His Son whom the world crucified. Even this unspeakably, horrendously evil act which ought to have been the final catalyst causing our complete annihilation was used to save and redeem us by the very Flesh we tore and the Blood we spilled. 

Each time we consume this Flesh and Blood in the Eucharist we become the Ark of the Covenant. Who can fathom such love? It is a mystery beyond our understanding, our response can only be dumbfounded, eternal gratitude and a constant striving in every possible way to be holy and perfect as our heavenly Father is holy and perfect. Thank You for Your assurance that through a tiny, but faithful remnant You will cause a new springtime of faith to blossom and grow.

JEREMIAH 31: 10-13

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

No matter how dark, ugly and sinful the world gets we know that God is in control.  The Eternal Word has triumphed. You are our Good Shepherd and You guard Your flock vigilantly. You will keep us safe and You will not permit even one of Your little ones to be lost for we are sealed in Your Blood and marked by Your Holy Spirit. Too great a price has been paid for our freedom and the Father will not permit the price of our redemption to be in vain.   

Yes, the world is racked with turmoil, violence, sickness, terror, death, and evil but there is also much that is good, beautiful, noble, life-giving. There are weeds but there is wheat as well and in Your time, after the tribulation, You will turn our mourning to dancing, our sorrow to joy, our moaning to song and laughter. Nations will hear Your voice and choose life.

MATTHEW 13:18-23

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

In times past, in the present, and most assuredly in the future my heart  has resembled each of the soils You speak of in this parable of the Seed and the Sower. 

Just as You are always standing at the door of my heart and knocking so too is evil biding its time to gain a foothold. Too often in the past I have given free rein to sinful impulses. I have been beguiled by evil. There have been many times when I have been excited by Your Word, and have desired to follow You faithfully only to find the initial fervor melt like ice in the heat of my weaknesses and I have succumbed to the wiles of the world, the flesh, and the devil.  

Thank You Beloved, for Your persistence in continuing to sow good seed irrespective of where they fell. In time, the seed that fell in the areas of good soil in my heart have taken root. With much help from Your Spirit and through immense grace they have yielded some good fruit and for this, I praise and thank You, my Lord and my God.

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