Friday, May 29, 2020



The Holy Spirit will teach you everything
and remind you of all I told you. JN 14:26

ACTS 25:13B-21

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

As in the life of Paul, no matter how distressing the circumstances of our lives get, we can be sure that You are working Your will through it all for our good and for the greater glory of God.

It was Your plan that Paul go to Rome and there preach the Good News, the journey to Rome was fraught with danger and he would go there and live there as a prisoner. Your ways are not our ways, Your thoughts are far above our own. But because You are God we can trust You implicitly and with confidence because we belong to You.

PSALM 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20AB

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

You are ascended into heaven and there at the right hand of God, our Father You are enthroned. Heaven and earth bless Your holy Name, for it is a Name that is above every other and it is the only one by which we are all saved.

Thank You, Beloved, for Your incarnation and for becoming like us in all things save sin. You entered into the darkest night of humanity taking on Yourself the punishment for our transgressions. Thank You for entering into our death and rising from it victoriously and triumphantly so we need never fear death. 

You are enthroned in the highest heavens and one day, when our life's journey has ended we will join the angels and saints in worshipping, praising, and glorifying You joyfully forever.

JOHN 21:15-19

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

We know from the Gospels that You had a special love for John. He was the youngest of Your disciples and he refers to himself in his gospel, as the beloved disciple. John would be the one to write with great insight and wisdom everything about You and all You said and did. He would use the written word to describe the incarnate Word with incandescent beauty.

But Peter, despite all his flaws, and his triple denial of You,  loved You more than all the others did. Peter the impulsive, Peter the abrasive, Peter who had to be admonished by You and Peter whom God chose to be the Rock on which You built Your Church. We can take heart from this that God chooses whom He wills. We don't have to be perfect to be called.   

Three times You asked Peter if he loved You phrasing the sentence differently each time. 'Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Simon son of John, do you love me?" and finally, just "Do you love me." Peter's response twice was, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." But the third time he says, Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you."

The third time Peter proclaims that You who are the all-knowing God, also knows that he loves You. With his triple confession of love, You have established Peter, indisputably, as the head of the Church of which You are its cornerstone. Peter is entrusted to feed and tend Your flock while he himself is commanded to follow You. If we remain in the flock with Peter we will never go astray.

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