Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent


I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked man, says the Lord,
but rather in his conversion, that he may live. EZ 33:11

DANIEL 13:41C-62
PSALM 23:1-3AB, 4-6
JOHN 8:1-11

DANIEL 13:41C-62

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

It is always, always true that evil finds all that is pure, holy, good, beautiful, noble, and true contemptible and will not rest until they have either marred or destroyed it. It takes courage to stand erect, and look Satan in the eye unflinchingly. Faith can and will help us to do just that.

The story of Susanna in Scripture illustrates this powerful truth beautifully. The wicked judges represent all that is evil in the world no matter where that evil manifests itself - whether in the hierarchy of the Church, its clergy, among government officials, among the rich and the powerful, the influential, and even among the poor. Evil does not discriminate, it makes its home anywhere it is invited. 

What can we do when we find ourselves like Susanna condemned by the perjury on the part of those who are appointed to use their power for good not evil? Both Susanna and Daniel are good examples of what we can do. Like Susanna we must pray and trust in You even though the wicked threaten us; and we must be like Daniel who when confronted with evil refuse to tolerate it. Too often we are timid, afraid of what we could lose if we spoke up in defense of the voiceless, the marginalized, the outcast. As people of God made in His image and likeness, filled with His Holy Spirit, we must cry out in the face of wickedness. We must call that which is evil, evil. Too often we condemn ourselves with our silence and then we are no better than those evil judges and we deserve the same punishment that they received.

When we stand up to evil God is glorified and those around us are encouraged to trust in God as well. 
Innocent blood was spared that day blessed because Daniel, inspired by the Holy Spirit stood up boldly to defend Susanna. Innocent Blood was lost on the Day the world remained silent when those in power colluded with evil to put You to death. 

PSALM 23:1-3AB, 4-6

My Beloved, Soul of my Soul,

I have found this psalm to be most consoling in the darkest periods of my life. These verses reveal God's tender and compassionate love for His flock, the sheep of His fold. 

Beloved, in the midst of the darkest, most dreary, most fearful days of our lives that the world is facing right now we know that You are walking with us. Did You not say to Saul, "Why are you persecuting me?" You are with us. You feel our pain and suffering. You know we are filled with distress - mothers for their young children, fathers for their wives and families, older people who are vulnerable, the young whose lives are disrupted in a way they could never imagine. The poor, the sick, the lonely, the people of the world are walking in the dark valley but You assure us that You are right here with us, leading us, guiding us, to that place where You desire us to be. This is a time for pruning, for reflection, for ridding ourselves of all that has kept us from following You more closely and loving You more sincerely.

Thank You for this time of uncertainty and Your assurance that You are at our side. 

JOHN 8:1-11

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

There are many wonderful incidents of Your encounter with sinners, narrated in the Gospels which radiate the love and mercy of God but my favorite is this one narrated by John, the disciple of love. He paints such a vivid picture of the whole scene that one can place yourself in it every time and experience the spine-tingling, exhilarating drama of the whole event.


While His enemies were plotting,
And scheming for His life,
Our Lord went out to Olivet,
To pray all through the night.

Returning to the temple,
After a night of prayer,
He found a group of people,
Already gathered there.
.............THE ADULTERESS - JOHN 8:1-11

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