Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent


O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law:
come to save us, Lord our God!

PSALM 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21
LUKE 1:39-45


My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

How can I ever thank You enough for loving me even when I am least lovable? Thank You for seeking me out even when I run away and hide from You. You are Beauty, Truth, Love, and Grace and I am weak, frail, and sinful yet You love me with a love that is beyond all that I deserve for You love me with an everlasting love.

Thank You, Beloved, for never giving up on me. Thank You for Your infinite patience and for never tiring of encouraging me, forgiving me, healing my wounds, and carrying me home to the Father.

Thank You for washing me clean in Your Precious Blood and for restoring my baptismal garment in the Sacrament of Confession. Thank You for Your assurance that Your love for me is stronger than death. Grant me the grace to love You daily more and more. Amen.

PSALM 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

Your Name is holy. Your Name is higher than any other and we who are grafted into Your Body are called by Your Name. We are Your possession, the people of Your pasture. You are our Good Shepherd and our God. You are Emmanuel, God who walks with us, lives in us, reigns in us, and desires that we will never be parted from You in time and in eternity.

You have put a new song in our hearts and we exult as we praise You, adore You, worship You, and glorify You. There is no God like You. 

Thank You, Beloved, for revealing to us the love of the Father. Thank You, Beloved for Your 'yes' to the Father's plan to save us. Thank You, Beloved, for never giving up on me but for loving me always. Keep me faithful to the end, Beloved. Amen.

LUKE 1:39-45

My Beloved, Soul of my soul,

For over 2000 years the Church, Your Bride, has contemplated every precious word in Scripture that speaks about Mary, Your Mother. Some of the most compelling are those of Elizabeth her cousin, the wife of Zechariah and the mother of John the Baptist. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, she recognizes immediately who she was, "The Mother of God" as did the infant in her womb who leapt for joy when he came into the Presence of the Infant Son in His Mother's womb.

This is how we too must respond when we come into Your holy Presence, when we receive You in the Eucharist, and when we encounter You in the Sacraments.  We must exult and be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. 

Thank You for Mary and for giving her to us to be our Mother too. Thank You for her tender love for us and for leading us to You always. Thank You for her maternal heart which will plead untiringly to You, her beloved Son, for mercy for her sinful, wayward children.

May we, like Mary, always believe that all that You have said will be fulfilled. May we follow You closely as she did, for You are the sure hope of our salvation.

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