Sunday, July 28, 2019

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Reflection


You have received a Spirit of adoption,
through which we cry, Abba, Father. Rom 8:15BC
Genesis 18:20-32
Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8
Colossians 2:12-14
Luke 11:1-13

Genesis 18:20-32

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

All the Readings today, the Lord's Day, remind us that we have an awesome God whom You have taught us to call Father, and hence we dare to do so. All the great intercessors in the Old Testament like Abraham, Moses, etc. are but a pale imitation of You. In You we have an Intercessor above all intercessors who never tires of pleading to the Father to spare us and not to destroy us even though the sins of the world cry out for vengeance.

You assure us that the Father always listens to Your prayers and for Your sake, He will spare us. The Blood of the Lamb covers us and obtains for us God's mercy and compassion. Thank You, Beloved, for forgiveness, mercy, and pardon that You always make available to the contrite of heart.

Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Thank You for inviting us to come before You as one family every Sunday, to offer God a thanksgiving sacrifice of praise and worship. Heaven descends to earth as together with we offer to our Father, the one, holy, and perfect and only Sacrifice that is most pleasing to Him and has the power to take away the sins of the world.

Here we come before God as one family, united in heart and mind and in the presence of the angels and saints we sing Your praise as we worship You in Your holy temple. The place where You dwell in fullness and offer Yourself to us Body, Blood, Soul, and divinity as our food and drink.

Thank You for the free gift of faith received at Baptism. Thank You for preserving us and helping us grow in faith. Thank You for always answering when we call. We walk in the shadow of the valley of death but we do not walk alone, You are with us. Our Guardian Angel accompanies us and prays for us.  

Thank You for the free gift of salvation that is offered to all who believe. Thank You for everlasting Your Covenant of Love with us.

Colossians 2:12-14

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

In Baptism I became a child of God and heir to the Kingdom of heaven. You entered into my death in order to give me eternal life. You drew me from darkness to light. You did not permit me to die in my sins but through all the circumstances of my life, drew me lovingly and tenderly to Yourself.

Thank You for dying for me and for taking upon Yourself the punishment that was mine. Thank You for the hope I have of spending eternity with You in heaven. I do not deserve any of the gifts that You have showered on me but thank You for blessing me anyway.

Luke 11:1-13

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Thank You for the prayer that You taught Your disciples and which has been handed down to us. The Our Father, is the perfect prayer and because You understand our nature having taken it, You were able to show us exactly how we ought to pray and the order in which we should make our petitions known to God.

Thank You also for teaching us not only to be persistent in prayer but the importance of praying for our brothers and sisters. We are members of Your Body, and if one member suffers the whole Body suffers as well. Persistence in prayer purifies and strengthens us and increases our faith.

Finally, Beloved, we thank You for reminding us that God is the perfect Father, who will deny His children nothing that we need in this life both spiritual and temporal. We can trust Him to provide us with all we need when we need it. 

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