Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday of the Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time - Reflection


I give you a new commandment:
love one another as I have loved you. Jn 13:34

2 Corinthians 8:1-9, Psalm 146:2, 5-9, 
Matthew 5:43-48

2 Corinthians 8:1-9

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

The more we have the more miserly we are. It is the poor who have large, generous hearts. They know what it means to be in want, to be hungry, to have nothing and this is why when they see another with a greater need than their own they are willing to share the little they have. 

God who watches over the sparrows and tends to the lilies of the field watches even more tenderly over these little ones of His. He makes note of their generosity even in their abject poverty. He also sees those who have far more than they will ever need but who hoard what they have. They find it hard to give. They prefer to build larger barns than to share what they have received from the hand of a loving God.

It is only when we have suffered ourselves can we have empathy for those who do. Our love for You is tested by our ability to share what we have received. 

As disciples and members of Your Body, we are called to imitate You in everything. You shared in our humanity so we can have a share in Your divinity but we have first to embrace the cross if we wish to share in Your glory.

Psalm 146:2, 5-9

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

If I am to experience true joy in the world I am invited to pick up my cross every day and follow You. I am called to imitate You, to follow Your example. 

If I want a song in my heart I must open my lips and sing Your praise acknowledging all You have done for me. Everyone who knows me must know how good You have been to me and how good You are to all who call on Your Name.

We who have received much are called to give much in return. In the measure that we give we will receive. We are called to give not only of our abundance but also to give when we ourselves are in want. We are called to be people of faith confident that God will care for us when we care for others.

True Christians are those who walk in the Light and those who walk with them do not walk in the dark.

Matthew 5:43-48

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

To love as You did is hard but not impossible. We know that there a many witnesses in the Church who have lived lives of heroic virtue and who have loved their enemies, their persecutors, their jailors, their murderers because they followed Your example. Loving You and trusting You, they received the necessary grace, strength, and courage to love as You did and embrace the cross. 

It is hard to live the Gospel as You ask us to without first emptying ourselves of all that keeps us from loving You as we ought. You provide the grace but we must take that first step and when we do we can be sure that You will make all that seems impossible possible.

You invite us to be holy and perfect just as our heavenly Father is holy and perfect. We have God as our Father, You as our Brother, and the Holy Spirit as our Helper so we can and will grow in Your image and likeness for we are the children of God.

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