Friday, June 21, 2019

Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious - Reflection


Blessed are the poor in spirit;
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Mt 5:3

2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30, Psalm 34:2-7, 
Matthew 6:19-23

2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We have only to look at the media to see a world obsessed with everything concerning the flesh. If matters of the spirit are discussed it is always a spirituality that celebrates and divinizes self rather than You.

Sometimes even those who love You and follow You become proud and boastful of the gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit. We take pride in our faithfulness to prayer, our fasts, and our almsgiving. We compare ourselves favorably and self-righteously with those we consider weak in faith and morals. We boast in subtle ways of our spiritual superiority with others who seem more worldly. In all of this, we show a lack of love of neighbor whom we are called to love as we love ourselves.

What can we boast of Beloved, nothing, for all we have comes from the hand of a loving and generous God.  Apart from You we are nothing. Who among us can sincerely claim that we have suffered for our faith as St. Paul and others have done? Many of us live self-satisfied lives and we inflate the little we do to indecent proportions because we lack true love and humility.  Yes, if we must boast, as St. Paul recommends, let us boast of our weaknesses for it is in weakness alone, and in perfect submission to You and the Holy Spirit that Your strength is made perfect in us.

Psalm 34:2-7

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Your Name has the power to save. It is the Name given to us above all others that can bring us safely to harbor despite all the storms and difficulties that we may have to face in the world. 

Thank You, Father, for sending us Your Son into the world and for rescuing us from the jaws of sin and death. Thank You for the hope we now have of eternal life in union with Jesus, Your Son, with You, and with the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, You who make our hearts Your temple, grant us the grace to glorify the Lord as long there is breath in our body. It is in sincere praise, thanksgiving, and worship that we find true joy even in the midst of sorrow. 

Beloved, thank You for laying down Your life for me and for showing me the Way to eternal life with You. Thank You for answering me every time I call. Thank You for never abandoning me even when I turned away from You. Keep me safe in Your love all the days that are granted to me and bring me safely home when I reach my journey's end. Amen.

Matthew 6:19-23

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

When we put our trust in things and in people rather than in You we set ourselves up for a fall. Nothing in the world and nothing of the flesh can satisfy. The more we pander to both the more insatiable we become as they lose their power to satisfy. We become insensitive to the needs of others as we grow more self-absorbed. 

You say very clearly to those who wish to follow You that You alone must be our Pearl of Great Price for which we are prepared to lose all in order to gain it. The more we allow the current degenerate culture of the world to permeate our life the more will spiritual malaise swamp our soul and in time we will suffocate and die. 

You are the Light of the World. You are the Treasure of treasures. If we live by Your Word and allow Your Word to take root in our lives, if we receive our nourishment from the Sacraments, then Your Light in us will overcome the darkness no matter how great that darkness may be.

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