Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Ephesians 3:2-12, Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 12:39-48


Stay awake!
For you do not know when the Son of Man will come. 

Mat 24:42A, 44
Ephesians 3:2-12, Isaiah 12:2-6, Luke 12:39-48

Ephesians 3:2-12

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

If every baptized Christian understood even partly what St. Paul speaks of here, each one of us would be on fire to preach the Gospel just as he and the Apostles were and so many who came after him, to the present day. Paul gave his whole life to preaching the Good News to the Gentiles who God also desired to bring to full knowledge of the Truth in You, His Son. All who are baptized into Your Body are co-heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven. This is indeed Good News and if we truly love our brothers and sisters we would be on fire to preach the Gospel from the rooftops, in season and out of season so all can be saved.  

St. Paul assures us just as You did, that if we take our mission seriously You will equip us with all that we need to preach the Good News boldly and with power. To each is given a mission field and we will be called to account when we come before You. Grant, my Beloved, that with the help of Your Holy Spirit that I may be faithful to this call.

Isaiah 12:2-6

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Those who believe receive Living Water so we will never be thirsty. If we put our roots deep in You we will bear fruit in every season. Joy will be ours no matter what our circumstances. You give us strength and courage for the journey from this life to the next through the Sacraments. You equip us with every grace and blessing to face any challenge. 

My Beloved, may I never fail to give You all glory and honor, to praise and thank You for Your many blessings and to gratefully and humbly acknowledge that were it not for You, I would be lost forever. Thank You for Your Presence with us in all the tabernacles of the world and most especially when You come to us in the Holy Eucharist. Truly Beloved, the Kingdom of Heaven is already in our midst. Thank You.

Luke 12:39-48

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We do know that You are coming, but we do not know when this is why You caution us to be prepared always so we will not be taken by surprise or be dismayed if we have been napping.

To each is given a work to do already planned by God and we are called to be faithful to our vocation. All of us are given charge, some to a greater extent than others. Each will have to give a strict account of how we have discharged our duties. Beginning from the greatest to the least. 

We cannot permit ourselves to be distracted by the world, by the culture that preaches lies, by those in authority and power who water down the truth and create confusion. The Truth has been revealed. The fullness of Truth is in the Church and the Church bears the full responsibility of preaching and teaching the Good News just as she has received it, without compromise. Each of us is a member of the Church, individuals in the Church may fail, grant my Lord that we do not with the help of Your grace. Amen.

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