Sunday, August 5, 2018

Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15, Psalm 78:3-4, 23-25, 54, Ephesians 4:17, 20-24, John 6:24-35


One does not live on bread alone,
but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. 

Mt 4:4B

Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15, Psalm 78:3-4, 23-25, 54,
Ephesians 4:17, 20-24, John 6:24-35

Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We are always complaining, whining, wishing things were one way instead of another, and when we get what we want we continue to complain because it is not how we expected it to be, or we decide we did not want this but something else. We are like spoiled children never satisfied. It is amazing Beloved that God does not tire of us and just wipes us out of the face of the earth. He would be justified in doing so. All through salvation history we see how God's people have willfully, deliberately, and stubbornly, followed their own way despite knowing the consequences of their choices.

God provided the people with manna in the desert and when they cried out for meat He gave them quails. God always provides. Thank You, Beloved, for becoming the Bread which transforms into Your Flesh in the Holy Eucharist and for giving us life in abundance when we approach the Banquet table. Without this supernatural food, we would not be able to get out of the wilderness in the desert and journey at last to the Kingdom of God.
Psalm 78:3-4, 23-25, 54

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

We thank our Father in heaven for providing His children with the Eucharistic meal. Heavenly manna giving us strength for the journey to the Kingdom of God.

In the past, God provided His people with manna in the desert and they called it the bread of angels. But we know that You are the true Bread of Angels that comes down from heaven at every celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is the supernatural grace and strength that we receive from partaking of this heavenly food that we will find the strength to battle the evil in us and overcome it. It is grace alone that will, at last, lead us to the Gate of Heaven, to the place where You dwell. 
Ephesians 4:17, 20-24

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

Once we are made aware of the Truth we must embrace it without compromise. There is no middle ground. Once we know You Beloved, we cannot go back to our old way of living. Those in the world who do not know You live unholy, licentious lives, they live according to the dictates of their flesh. They prefer to live their lives in ignorance of the Truth because if they accepted it then they would have to turn their backs to their old way of living.

However, Beloved, You have poured out Your Holy Spirit into our hearts. We have tasted You and have experienced supernatural joy. We are loved by You and we are aware that unworthy as we are, God is our Father. You paid the price that makes it possible for us to have the hope of eternal bliss.

The way to the Kingdom is narrow, the path is rough and difficult, and few take it, however, those who do will find You waiting to welcome us at journey's end. Stay with us Lord, who have chose chosen to walk in Truth. 
John 6:24-35

My Love, Beloved of my soul,

I too am guilty of running after You because I have received some blessing, or grace, have felt joy, and desire You because of the blessings that You have so graciously given me. I am exactly like the people in the crowds who have had their bellies filled and are looking to You to satisfy their earthly desires.

However, You purify our desires. Even if they are selfish and crude You do not drive us away but lovingly teach us the Truth. Sometimes the Truth is not palatable but we must accept it. You do not mollycoddle us. You do not allow us to remain in ignorance. Once we have decided to become Your disciples You will do all that is necessary to refine, prune, purify and strengthen us.

You will give us loaves and fish to fill our bellies but You will teach us to hunger and thirst for the food that will give eternal life - Your Flesh to eat and Your Blood to drink. Without this food, we would perish by the wayside.

Grant me this grace Beloved, never to approach the Banquet without being aware of the extraordinary privilege to receive You in Holy Communion and for a while to be united with You in a union that will be completed and perfected in heaven.

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