Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2 Kings 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-36, Psalm 48:2-4, 10-11, Matthew 7:6, 12-14


I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
whoever follows me will have the light of life. Jn 8:12

2 Kings 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-36, Psalm 48:2-4, 10-11,
Matthew 7:6, 12-14

2 Kings 19:9-11, 14-21, 31-36

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

The wicked, the godless, the idolaters, all are crushed and ground into dust by the Lord our God. They trust in their own power and are routed. When they are destroyed they are forgotten. They boast in themselves and they have to return whimpering and beaten from where they came.

But those who place their hope and trust in You my Lord and my God will never be ashamed. They are carried by You as on the wings of an eagle. You keep them safe and You assure us that Your eyes are upon us and Your ears are constantly inclined to the wound of our voice. How good it is Beloved to know that God, our God, walks with us, lives in us, is our Food and Drink, sustains us, saves us, and loves us beyond our wildest imagination.

Just as You answered the prayer of Hezekiah You answer us as well, 

"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel,
in answer to your prayer for help against Sennacherib, king of Assyria:
I have listened!"

"For out of Jerusalem shall come a remnant,
and from Mount Zion, survivors.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this."

"I will shield and save this city for my own sake,
and for the sake of my servant David."

All those who trust in You Beloved shall triumph over the Enemy no matter how wily the Enemy may be.

Psalm 48:2-4, 10-11

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Those who belong to You are Yours forever for You do not change Your mind. You are always Yes and Amen to those who are called by Your Name. 

Your Name has the power to move mountains, Satan trembles and flees when we call on Your Name which is above every other name. We thank You for dwelling in fullness in the Church You founded. Thank You for coming down and making Your home in our tabernacles,  and most especially in our hearts when we receive You Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy Communion. How can we thank You enough? How can we thank the Father enough? How can we thank the Holy Spirit enough for this awesome grace and gift?  Take my life Beloved, my poor life, my will, take all I am and have which is nothing in exchange for the infinite Treasure that is You.  

Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Without faith which is a gift given to us at Baptism, it is impossible to understand the riches and the treasures of all that You have taught us. This rich deposit of faith is guarded zealously by Your Church. She lives it, she breathes it, she is sustained by it. She shines Your Light as a beacon on the Hill of Mt. Zion so all who believe may be guided to You by that Light which is also Life.

However, those who have no faith cannot recognize its beauty, its power, its ability to save and hence they have no idea about its Sacredness or its infinite value. We must be careful not to share this Beauty with those who would desecrate it and then turn upon Your people and tear them apart because it reveals the poverty and the powerlessness of their own beliefs.

You warn us Beloved that our faith must be seen in our actions. We must walk the narrow way which leads to salvation. There is no triumph, no victory, no crown, without the Cross, without the road that leads Calvary and to Golgotha. Only when we are lifted up with You Beloved can we share in the triumph of Your glorious Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.

Grant me the grace and the dicipline to always choose the narrow way and enter through the narrow gate now matter how hard or difficult it may be. Stay with me Beloved.

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