Saturday, November 11, 2017

Romans 16:3-9, 16, 22-27, Psalm 145:2-5, 10-11, Luke 16:9-15


Jesus Christ became poor although he was rich,
so that by his poverty you might become rich. 2 Cor 8:9

Romans 16:3-9, 16, 22-27, Psalm 145:2-5, 10-11, 
Luke 16:9-15

Romans 16:3-9, 16, 22-27

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

As we see from this part of Paul's letter to the Romans there are many disciples who worked before him to bring the Good News to the people of Rome and he acknowledges their work. There are many laborers in Your Vineyard and all toil for the glory of God and to establish His Kingdom in the world.

We are all brothers and sister and there is no question of one lording it over the other for all serve the One God, all serve their neighbor, and all serve each other in humility and love. Acknowledging that the work they do must give You all the glory and honor.

The foundation for the faith the world would eventually have in You was laid long before You came into the world. Beginning with Abraham our father in faith, and through the patriarchs and prophets that followed him, preparing the way for the Father to finally reveal to the world His love for us by sending You into the world to restore what had been irrevocably lost by our first parents. To the Father, to You and the Holy Spirit be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 145:2-5, 10-11

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Ever since the Father revealed You, His Son to the world, generation after generation has acknowledged the unfathomable act of the Father's love in sending You to redeem what was irredeemable except through You.  Our songs of praise, adoration, worship, and thanksgiving rise up as a pleasing fragrance to the highest heavens as we offer to Him the sacrifice of our lives in union with the one, holy, and perfect Sacrifice that You made for us. In obedience with Your command we do this in memory of You, recalling to mind what You have done for us. How You saved us, and how You made it possible for us to return to our Father's House after the fall.

Thank You Beloved for restoring order and harmony in all that God our Father created and which was so wantonly destroyed by one selfish, prideful act of disobedience. May every voice join with that of all creation and all in heaven to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen.

Luke 16:9-15

Dear Love, Beloved of my soul,

Often we miss the point of money, it has its purpose, it can be used for good rather than evil even though it certainly can be used for evil. 

You are very clear here, You have shown us in the parable of the dishonest servant how he made friends with those who owed his master money in order to keep their friendship when he had lost favor with his master.  But we who are Your disciples are foolishly naive when it comes to using the power of God available to us from working in our favor; to bring many to the knowledge of truth and faith in You. That faith which alone can save.

There is a very simple way to judge people including ourselves, are we scrupulously trustworthy with the things entrusted to us? We have been given such great spiritual wealth and we squander it by our indifference, our lack of zeal, our ignorance of how powerfully we can use what God has so graciously and generously entrusted to us. We cannot serve both God and the world we will do justice to neither. We must make a choice and having chosen to be Your disciples then we must do so with single-minded devotion.

The Pharisees knew that this parable was directed at them and the Evangelist of this Gospel tells us that they sneered at what You said because they loved money. So does the world today sneer at Christians, Christian values,  the Christian faith, as well as all things genuinely Christian. The whole world today is hell bent in bending over backwards to justify every aberration that the human mind can conceive of, every one of our abomination makes our holy God shudder in sadness and grief at the depths of depravity to which the crown of His creation has sunk; it should make men and women of good conscience everywhere weep just as You did when You looked at Jerusalem. 

Thank You Beloved that nothing is lost. We are still redeemed and You have won the victory despite all the lies of the devil.

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