Tuesday, April 25, 2017

1 Peter 5:5b-14, Psalm 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17, Mark 16:15-20


We proclaim Christ crucified:
he is the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1 Cor 1:23-24

1 Peter 5:5b-14, Psalm 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17, Mark 16:15-20

1 Peter 5:5b-14

---- Mine, there is no virtue more pleasing to the Father than the virtue of humility. Humility enables you to see yourself as you are before God and before humans. All your thoughts, words, and deeds must be prompted by this virtue for God Himself despises those who set themselves over the rest of their fellow human beings. All are equal before My Father in heaven and all are equal before Me. Ask for this virtue, cultivate it. The more you use it the more it will increase. It sweetens life and helps you to accept God's will for you with docility.

You are not called to struggle through this valley of tears alone. God is with you. Trust Him to help you carry your daily burdens. Be watchful and pray always so the devil's wiles will not deceive you or catch you off guard. Accept suffering as from the Lord for there is no surer path to holiness than the path of redemptive suffering. Live in peace with yourself and with everyone for the God of peace makes His home in you.

Psalm 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17

My soul's beloved, how blessed I am to know You, to walk with You, to live in Your shadow, to claim Your love for myself. I can count on Your faithfulness to me and mine from the rising of the sun to its setting and to its rising and setting everyday. Your kindness to me O Lord, unworthy as I am, is overwhelming for I know that I am undeserving of such steadfast love and faithfulness.

Heaven and earth together proclaim Your glory without end and I am privileged to join my feeble praises with theirs. I am invited to join Your faithful each day to offer You a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving and worship at every celebration of the Holy Eucharist. How blessed I am, how fortunate to be counted among those who believe in You, those who are baptized into Your Body and are members of Your Holy Church. Grant me the grace to be always aware of how blessed I am to be called out of darkness into Your own marvelous light.

Mark 16:15-20

My soul's beloved, I too am numbered among those who have been given a mission to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world. I am called to shine Your Light in a world that is getting increasingly dark by sin. But I have Your assurance that the Light will never be put out because You have triumphed and You reign in glory at the right hand of the Father for You have won the victory over sin, the flesh, the world and the devil. 

All of the baptized have been given authority, all have received the Holy Spirit and we can claim the gifts of the Holy Spirit with confidence for we have it from Your lips that those who believe will do all that You did and even greater signs for You are with the Father.

Help me each day my soul's beloved to increase in faith, hope and above all in love.

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