Thursday, March 23, 2017

Jeremiah 7:23-28, Psalm 95:1-2,6-9, Luke 11:14-23


Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart,
for I am gracious and merciful. Jl 2:12-13

Jeremiah 7:23-28, Psalm 95:1-2,6-9, Luke 11:14-23

Jeremiah 7:23-28

My soul's beloved, despite the unwavering voice of Truth that we hear faithfully echoed by the Church sin abounds, for the world refuses to hear preferring the cacophony made by the worldly wise.  Today the Holy Spirit through the voice of the prophet urges us to listen to Your voice that we may walk in wisdom and receive God's bountiful blessings. However, we continue to follow the siren call of the world that lures us further and further away from You and from the Truth. We are prepared to go to any lengths no matter how dangerous to drink from the wells poisoned by evil but we refuse to listen to the voice of the Church that is unerring in its teaching and preaching on matters concerning our faith and our morals. We are hard of heart and hard of heart. We are are a stiff necked people who have deliberately closed our ears to Your Voice which cajoles us tenderly to return to You with all our hearts and be saved.

Have mercy on us O Lord, have mercy on me and help me to heart your voice, to feels the presence of Your Spirit within me and grant that I may obey You, give my life over to You, and allow You to be Lord over every area of my life.

Psalm 95:1-2,6-9

My soul's beloved, if You abandoned us, we would deserve nothing less but You are full of love and compassion slow to anger and quick to forgive all our transgressions. My whole life should be one of joyful songs of praise and thanksgiving of worship and adoration for all that You my Lord and my God have done for me. You are my good Shepherd, You are the Rock in whom I take refuge. Yours are the wings that over me and keep me safe from the terrors that stalk me in the night and the arrows that Satan lets fly to wound and destroy me. 

Grant my soul's beloved that I may always hear Your Vice and obey. Grant that I may never let go the hand that holds mine securely, grant O Lord that I may approach the Eucharistic table frequently and be strengthened and nourished with Your Body and Blood. When I sin grant that I may approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation so I may be forgiven, purified and strengthened against temptation. Thank You for being so gracious to me even though I do not deserve your love.

Luke 11:14-23

My soul's beloved, we see that which is good and instead of attributing good motives to it we attribute evil. What is it about us that is drawn to that which is negative and divisive instead of that which unites in love and affirms what is good rather than focusing on the bad. You drove out the demon from the man that was mute, something impossible to do without the power of God and while some were amazed others said that it was through the power of the devil that You drove out devils. What sense does this make? The argument is so obviously flawed and yet they would rather prefer the lie than the truth.

You have given us the greatest Sign that You are of God, from God and are God and yet the world continues to clamor for miracles. The greatest of miracles continues daily on our altars at every Eucharistic Sacrifice and yet we are blind an deaf to this glorious Presence of God who becomes our food and drink.

You say to us today, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." Help me to remember this warning and to keep ever before me the mission entrusted to me. Grant me the grace and courage I need each day to put out into the deep trusting that You are always beside me.

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