The LORD is our Judge, our Lawgiver, our King;
he it is who will save us. Is.33:22
Isaiah 30: 19-21, 23-26, Psalm 147:1-6, Matthew 9:35--10:1, 5-8
Isaiah 30: 19-21, 23-26
My soul's beloved, I thank you for Your assurance to me and to all who believe that You will be gracious to us and hear us when we call to You. No more sadness, no more tears, for we will experience the fullness of joy in knowing You and yielding in love to Your will. You will give us Living Bread and Life giving water and we shall not know hunger and thirst. You will no longer hide Yourself from us but we shall behold You with the eyes of faith hidden in the Bread that gives life to our soul.
Your Holy Spirit is our Teacher and Guide. He leads me in the path that I should go, the path that leads to salvation. He directs my footsteps and warns me when I flirt with danger. He provides the rain I need to nurture the seed of Your Word and in the warmth of His inspiration and care I produce good fruit. Thank You for being our Good Shepherd. Thank You that You have chosen to be the sheep of Your flock and under Your powerful protection. Thank You for leading us to green pastures and to streams of living water. Thank You for giving us Yourself as food and drink that prepares us for the fullness of life in Your Presence forever.
Psalm 147:1-6
My soul's beloved, You have formed us for praise and You dwell in our praises. We thank You for this time of waiting as we look forward with joyful anticipation to Your coming. Thank You for the Sacrament of Reconciliation where You make us a new creation once again and You strengthen us with grace to withstand temptation. Thank You for healing our wounds and for Your intimate knowledge of us. We need not be ashamed because we have sinned for You came for the sick, the lost, the weary, the anxious, the distressed, the sad, the wounded, and You minister to us with great and tender compassion and mercy.
You who know the number of the stars, You who placed them in the sky and gave each a name know me personally and You love me with a love that is infinite and unfathomable because I know how unworthy I am of the love You bear me. You know how ungrateful I am, I forget to thank You. I take Your love and Your blessings for granted. Such a miserable recipient of so great a love. Thank You.
Matthew 9:35--10:1, 5-8
My soul's beloved, You came on a mission, sent by Your Father to reveal the Face of God to us. You were tireless. You often had no time for food, sleep, or rest. There was a great hunger and thirst burning within You to accomplish that for which You had come. To make the Father known and loved as You knew and loved Him. You were persecuted, misunderstood, You were ridiculed, and You were chased out of some towns and villages. The elite wanted nothing to do with You for You showed them up for the hypocrites they were. They hated You. Yet, there were those who were little, the poor, the forgotten, the sinner, the marginalized, they knew hope for the first time. You lit a fire in them, You assured them that they were favored by God and were not abandoned by Him.
You revealed that God is our Father, You said that we could address us as Abba for that is what He is, our Dad who loves us, cares for us, provides for us, and above all desired to save and restored what was forever lost, the Kingdom of heaven. He sent You to lay down Your life for us, to take upon Yourself the punishment that was ours, to enter into our death in order that we may receive Your Life.
Thank You for healing our wounds in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Thank You for physical healing. Thank You for inviting us to have a share in Your mission and for sending us to labor in Your vineyard and to bring in the harvest. Thank You for the gifts poured upon us from the moment of our Baptism and for the power we receive in the Holy Spirit to receive all grace and blessings to help us carry out the work the work for which You have given us. Help us never forget the free gift of salvation given to us along with all the other gifts which we in turn are called to share freely with all we encounter each day.
Stay with me Lord now and always.
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