Sunday, November 6, 2016

2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14, Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8 & 15, 2 Thes 2:16--3:5, Luke 20:27-38


Jesus Christ is the firstborn of the dead;
to him be glory and power, forever and ever. Rev 1:5a, 6b

2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14, Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8 & 15, 2 Thes 2:16--3:5, Luke 20:27-38

2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14

My soul's beloved, what a marvelous example of faith and trust in God we see in these seven young brothers who preferred death rather than to break God's law. Their mother who was present encouraged them to keep the faith. She had raised her children well and now as they stood before her and defied the king to do his worst for their hope was in God she continued to assure them that it was better to die rather than commit sin.

We live in a world that sins hideously and with impunity. Those who live their faith without compromise are ridiculed, persecuted, denied their legitimate rights and laws are made to protect the wicked rather than the godly. 

My soul's beloved as we admire and give thanks for these young men, we also thank You for the numerous saints through the ages who preferred to die rather than deny You or their faith in You. Keep Your remnant safe so they can shine brightly in the world and light the way for those who seek to know the Truth. Thank You for the hope we have in You that we will have  share in Your glorious Resurrection.

Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8 & 15

My soul's beloved, I thank You for the glorious future and hope that I have in You. Thank You for keeping me safe in Your love. Thank You for hearing every prayer that escapes from my lips. Thank You for keeping me on the path of life and walking with me. Thank You for revealing the depths of Your unfathomable love for me by taking upon Yourself my sins, my shame, and my death and in exchange giving me hope and joy in the resurrection. Thank You for keeping me as the apple of Your eye, thank You for hiding me in the shadow of Your wings. Asleep or awake You are with Me and when my eyes close in death I thank You for the certainty of waking up and finding myself in Your glorious Presence. 

2 Thes 2:16--3:5

My soul's beloved, I thank You for the plenitude of grace You make available to me through the Sacraments. Thank You for Your abiding Presence in me which encourages me and strengthens me to choose to do good rather than evil. Thank You for Your Word which is a light to my path and a lamp to my feed. Your mighty protection keeps us safe from the wiles of the enemy who is prowling over the world seeking to steal, murder, and destroy. Thank You for all those who have come after the Apostles and disciples who have preached the Gospel and handed it down to us faithfully at the cost of their lives. Continue to grant me Your grace to enable me to be faithful. Teach me how to increase my love for You everyday and grant me the grace to endure all suffering gladly for You sake. Amen.

Luke 20:27-38

My soul's beloved, so many of us like the Sadducees argue like fools in order to appear wise. They ask questions for the sake of attacking and belittling not for the sake of knowing the truth which sets all who pursue it free. The divisions between Christians is a scandal because the separation and the rifts are caused by foolish arguments that if they were truly honest they themselves would find that they prefer lies than the truth because the truth will challenge them. So they throw out books in the Bible in order to safeguard their errors.  They are false and blind shepherds who lead the flock on the broad road to ruin and death.

I thank You for Holy Mother Church and her teaching authority. She keeps safe and alive the apostolic Traditions, she discerns the Truth with the help of the Holy Spirit and she makes sure that her children are taught the unvarnished truth about God and His marvelous work of creation, salvation, and redemption. Thank You for our hope in heaven where there will only be eternal bliss in the presence of our God.

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