Friday, October 7, 2016

Galatians 3:7-14, Psalm 111:1-6, Luke 11:15-26



The prince of this world will now be cast out,
and when I am lifted up from the earth
I will draw all to myself, says the Lord. Jn 12:31-32

Galatians 3:7-14, Psalm 111:1-6, Luke 11:15-26

Galatians 3:7-14

My soul's beloved, it is truly the work of the Holy Spirit to inspire those whom God called and whom You appointed as Your Apostles who were able to grasp the awesome truths in Scripture. Abraham, we are told, was considered righteous before God because of his faith and because of his faith he was to be our father in faith - a faith through which God would bless all nations. 

Moses was given the laws and as the years progressed and the 10 commandments continued to be added to and consequently since  became too difficult to keep in its entirety it became a means of shackling the people of God who were called to obey it and those who did not do so were cursed:

For all who depend on works of the law are under a curse;
for it is written, Cursed be everyone
who does not persevere in doing all the things
written in the book of the law.

How then were we to be saved? For as St. Paul tells us that no one is justified by the law however those who live by faith shall live. This is the Good News of our salvation. You ransomed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us and You nailed that curse on the Tree of Life when You were nailed to the Cross. You have set us free through faith in You. You become the Covenant of Covenants sealing and ratifying it in Your Blood and the Holy Spirit. Thank You!

Psalm 111:1-6

My soul's beloved, the Church gathers the faithful every day and especially on the Day of the Lord when we come together in faith, hope and love to offer You thanksgiving, praise, adoration, and worship in our Liturgy of the greatest of all celebrations we will ever be privileged to participate in on earth - the Holy Mass. Here we recall in a very special way as members of Your Body, as a community of believers, how awesome is our God, how great His Name, and how much He has loved us that He did not hold back His Son, His only Son but sent Him among us to reveal His unfathomable love for us.

God will certainly remember His Covenant forever for You are God's Covenant with us.

Luke 11:15-26

My soul's beloved, the world and those ruled by the spirit of the world have always called good evil and evil good. Chaos and division are the fruit of evil. In today's Gospel reading we are told that You healed a man who had an evil spirit in him and You set him free from the darkness that had imprisoned him. Some were amazed but there were others who attributed Your power to Satan. It is obvious that the devil can do nothing good and yet this particular miracle is being attributed to the power of the devil. This is when You tell us clearly that division is the modus operandi of Satan. It is when we are divided and alone that we are weak and open to attack by the devil.

We can see in the world where war has been raging for years in some countries because their own people are working against each other and instead of uniting and working for peace they are causing only suffering, chaos, misery, death, and destruction. St. Peter has said that the devil goes about the world seeking those whom he can steal, plunder, and destroy. This is certainly true in our world today.

Yet, thanks be to God, we know that evil will self-destruct and good which cannot be overcome by evil will ultimately win the day because You have won the victory over death.

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